Chapter 1 – Hello, Data!

The loaded R package versions (in the order mentioned in the chapter):

  • hflights 0.1 (CRAN)
  • microbenchmark 1.4-2 (CRAN)
  • R.utils 2.0.2 (CRAN)
  • sqldf 0.4-10 (CRAN)
  • ff 2.2-13 (CRAN)
  • bigmemory 4.4.6 (CRAN)
  • data.table 1.9.4 (CRAN)
  • RMySQL 0.10.3 (CRAN)
  • RPostgreSQL 0.4 (CRAN)
  • ROracle 1.1-12 (CRAN)
  • dbConnect 1.0 (CRAN)
  • XLConnect 0.2-11 (CRAN)
  • xlsx 0.5.7 (CRAN)

The related R packages:

  • mongolite 0.4 (CRAN)
  • MonetDB.R 0.9.7 (CRAN)
  • RcppRedis 0.1.5 (CRAN)
  • RCassandra 0.1-3 (CRAN)
  • RSQLite 1.0.0 (CRAN)

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