Rendering polygons around points

Besides thematic maps, another really useful way of presenting spatial data is to draw artificial polygons around the data points based on the data values. This is especially useful if there is no available polygon shape file to be used to generate a thematic map.

A level plot, contour plot, or isopleths, might be an already familiar design from tourist maps, where the altitude of the mountains is represented by a line drawn around the center of the hill at the very same levels. This is a very smart approach having maps present the height of hills—projecting this third dimension onto a 2-dimensional image.

Now let's try to replicate this design by considering our data points as mountains on the otherwise flat map. We already know the heights and exact geo-coordinates of the geometric centers of these hills (airports); the only challenge here is to draw the actual shape of these objects. In other words:

  • Are these mountains connected?
  • How steep are the hillsides?
  • Should we consider any underlying spatial effects in the data? In other words, can we actually render these as mountains with a 3D shape instead of plotting independent points in space?

If the answer for the last question is positive, then we can start trying to answer the other questions by fine-tuning the plot parameters. For now, let's simply suppose that there is a spatial effect in the underlying data, and it makes sense to visualize the data in such a way. Later, we will have the chance to disprove or support this statement either by analyzing the generated plots, or by building some geo-spatial models—some of these will be discussed later, in the Spatial Statistics section.

Contour lines

First, let's expand our data points into a matrix with the fields package. The size of the resulting R object is defined arbitrarily but, for the given number of rows and columns, which should be a lot higher to generate higher resolution images, 256 is a good start:

> library(fields)
> out <- as.image(dt$ArrDelay, x = dt[, c('lon', 'lat')],
+   nrow = 256, ncol = 256)

The as.image function generates a special R object, which in short includes a 3‑dimensional matrix-like data structure, where the x and y axes represent the longitude and latitude ranges of the original data respectively. To simplify this even more, we have a matrix with 256 rows and 256 columns, where each of those represents a discrete value evenly distributed between the lowest and highest values of the latitude and longitude. And on the z axis, we have the ArrDelay values—which are in most cases of course missing:

> table($z))
  112 65424

What does this matrix look like? It's better to see what we have at the moment:

> image(out)
Contour lines

Well, this does not seem to be useful at all. What is shown there? We rendered the x and y dimensions of the matrix with z colors here, and most tiles of this map are empty due to the high amount of missing values in z. Also, it's pretty straightforward now that the dataset includes many airports outside the USA as well. How does it look if we focus only on the USA?

> image(out, xlim = base::range(map_data$x, na.rm = TRUE),
+            ylim = base::range(map_data$y, na.rm = TRUE))
Contour lines


An alternative and more elegant approach to rendering only the US part of the matrix would be to drop the non-US airports from the database before actually creating the out R object. Although we will continue with this example for didactic purposes, with real data make sure that you concentrate on the target subset of your data instead of trying to smooth and model unrelated data points as well.

A lot better! So we have our data points as a tile, now let's try to identify the slope of these mountain peaks, to be able to render them on a future map. This can be done by smoothing the matrix:

> look <- image.smooth(out, theta = .5)
> table($z))
14470 51066

As can be seen in the preceding table, this algorithm successfully eliminated many missing values from the matrix. The image.smooth function basically reused our initial data point values in the neighboring tiles, and computed some kind of average for the conflicting overrides. This smoothing algorithm results in the following arbitrary map, which does not respect any political or geographical boundaries:

> image(look)
Contour lines

It would be really nice to plot these artificial polygons along with the administrative boundaries, so let's clear out all cells that do not belong to the territory of the USA. We will use the function from the sp package to do so:

> usa_data <- map('usa', plot = FALSE, region = 'main')
> p <- expand.grid(look$x, look$y)
> library(sp)
> n <- which($Var1, p$Var2,
+  usa_data$x, usa_data$y) == 0)
> look$z[n] <- NA

In a nutshell, we have loaded the main polygon of the USA without any sub-administrative areas, and verified our cells in the look object, if those are overlapping the polygon. Then we simply reset the value of the cell, if not.

The next step is to render the boundaries of the USA, plot our smoothed contour plot, then add some eye-candy in the means of the US states and, the main point of interest, the airport:

> map("usa")
> image(look, add = TRUE)
> map("state", lwd = 3, add = TRUE)
> title('Arrival delays of flights from Houston')
> points(dt$lon, dt$lat, pch = 19, cex = .5)
> points(h$lon, h$lat, pch = 13)
Contour lines

Now this is pretty neat, isn't it?

Voronoi diagrams

An alternative way of visualizing point data with polygons is to generate Voronoi cells between them. In short, the Voronoi map partitions the space into regions around the data points by aligning all parts of the map to one of the regions to minimize the distance from the central data points. This is extremely easy to interpret, and also to implement in R. The deldir package provides a function with the very same name for Delaunay triangulation:

> library(deldir)
> map("usa")
> plot(deldir(dt$lon, dt$lat), wlines = "tess", lwd = 2,
+   pch = 19, col = c('red', 'darkgray'), add = TRUE)
Voronoi diagrams

Here, we represented the airports with red dots, as we did before, but also added the Dirichlet tessellation (Voronoi cells) rendered as dark-gray dashed lines. For more options on how to fine-tune the results, see the plot.deldir method.

In the next section, let's see how to improve this plot by adding a more detailed background map to it.

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