Genre categorization of web pages

Genre categorization can be used for large article corpora and web pages. A genre can be defined in terms of purpose and physical form. It denotes any widely accepted categories of texts defined by common communicative purpose or other functional traits, and the categories are extensible. The web genre can also be defined based on the facets, complexity of the language, subjectivity, and number of graphics. Genre categorization has many applications such as improving search efficiency and satisfying the users' information need.

For the WWW or web pages, the genre can be defined as the usability of the miner and feasibility with respect to the efficiency.

There are some major challenges for this web page genre categorization. One is the instability of the Web itself. The second is the complex and unpredictable properties of web pages. The third is how to judge the genre for a specific web page. There are more challenges, but they are not listed here, or they will appear in future applications. For certain web pages, they might have multiple genres or no genre for existing recognized genres libraries.

Due to the fast pace of the evolution of the Web, new genres are continuously introduced to the current genre classes and the current genre classes are continuously updated and upgraded.

Possible solutions include, but are not limited to, Naïve Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, SVM, and tree nodes as classification methods.

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