Web usage mining with web logs

Web usage mining denotes the discovery and analytics of patterns in web logs (such as system access logs) and transactions. The output is the relation of user interaction and resources on the Web. The user behavior can be identified based on this output. The web logs record the track of the web user's interaction with web servers, web proxy servers, and browsers.

The popular web usage mining process is illustrated in the images, and it includes three major steps: data collection and preprocessing, pattern discovery, and pattern analysis.

The preprocessing contains data cleaning, session identification, and data conversion. The pattern discovery includes path analysis, association rules, sequential patterns, and cluster and classification rules.

Web usage mining with web logs

The FCA-based association rule mining algorithm

The summarized pseudocodes for the FCA-based association rule mining algorithm are as follows:

The FCA-based association rule mining algorithm

The R implementation

Please take a look at the R codes file ch_10_fca.R from the bundle of R codes for the above algorithms. The codes can be tested with the following command:

> source("ch_10_fca.R")
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