Chapter 9. Graph Mining and Network Analysis

In this chapter, you will learn the algorithms written in R for graph mining and network analysis.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Graph mining
  • Mining frequent subgraph patterns
  • Social network mining
  • Social influence mining

Graph mining

Grouping, messaging, dating, and many other means are the major forms of social communication or the classic social behavior in the social network. All these concepts are modeled with graphs; that is, nodes, edges, and other attributes. Graph mining is developed to mine this information, which is similar to other types of information, such as biological information, and so on.


Graph G contains nodes V and edges E and is represented with an equation, G = (V, E). As per graph mining, there are some concepts that need to be clarified. There are two types of graphs: directed graphs, which have ordered pairs of vertices in the edge set, E, and undirected graphs.

Graph mining algorithms

Although the data instances under research are very different from the other data types that we saw earlier in this book, graph-mining algorithms still include frequent pattern (subgraph) mining, classification, and clustering.

In the next section, we will look at frequent subgraph patterns mining algorithm, links mining, and clustering.

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