Chapter 5. Time Travelling with Spring

Spring 4.0 is the Java 8-enabled latest release of the Spring Framework. In this chapter, we'll discover the major changes in the Spring 4.x release and the four important features of the Spring 4 framework. We will cover the following topics in depth:

  • @RestController
  • AsyncRestTemplate
  • Async tasks
  • Caching

Discovering the new Spring release

This section deals with the new features and enhancements in Spring Framework 4.0. The following are the features:

  • Spring 4 supports Java 8 features such as Java lambda expressions and java.time. Spring 4 supports JDK 6 as the minimum.
  • All deprecated packages/methods are removed.
  • Java Enterprise Edition 6 or 7 are the base of Spring 4, which is based on JPA 2 and Servlet 3.0.
  • Bean configuration using the Groovy DSL is supported in Spring Framework 4.0.
  • Hibernate 4.3 is supported by Spring 4.
  • Custom annotations are supported in Spring 4.
  • Autowired lists and arrays can be ordered. The @Order annotation and the Ordered interface are supported.
  • The @Lazy annotation can now be used on injection points as well as on the @Bean definitions.
  • For the REST application, Spring 4 provides a new @RestController annotation. We will discuss this in detail in the following section.
  • The AsyncRestTemplate feature (class) is added for asynchronous REST client development.
  • Different time zones are supported in Spring 4.0.
  • New spring-websocket and spring-messaging modules have been added.
  • The SocketUtils class is added to examine the free TCP and UDP server ports on localhost.
  • All the mocks under the org.springframework.mock.web package are now based on the Servlet 3.0 specification.
  • Spring supports JCache annotations and new improvements have been made in caching.
  • The @Conditional annotation has been added to conditionally enable or disable an @Configuration class or even individual @Bean methods.
  • In the test module, SQL script execution can now be configured declaratively via the new @Sql and @SqlConfig annotations on a per-class or per-method basis.

You can visit the Spring Framework reference at for more details.

Also, you can watch a video at for more details on the changes in Spring 4.

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