Plotting time-series prices

We will perform a graphical comparison of the closing values for AAPL and MSFT. Using the closing prices DataFrame, it is simple to plot the values for a specific stock using the .plot() method of Series. The following plots the adjusted closing price for AAPL:

In [9]:
   # plot the closing prices of AAPL
Plotting time-series prices

The following code plots the adjusted closing price for MSFT:

In [10]:
   # plot the closing prices of MSFT
Plotting time-series prices

Both sets of closing values can easily be displayed on a single chart in order to give a side-by-side comparison:

In [11]:
   # plot MSFT vs AAPL on the same chart
   close_px[['MSFT', 'AAPL']].plot();

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Plotting time-series prices

Plotting volume-series data

Volume data can be plotted using bar charts. We first need to get the volume data, which can be done using the pivotTickersToColumns() function created earlier:

In [12]:
   # pivot the volume data into columns
   volumes = pivotTickersToColumns(raw, "Volume")

Out [12]:
   Ticker          AA     AAPL      DAL ...     MSFT     PEP      UAL
   Date                                 ...                           
   2014-12-24 4944200 14479600  4296200 ... 11437800 1604100  2714300
   2014-12-26 6355200 33721000  5303100 ... 13197800 1492700  3062200
   2014-12-29 7087800 27598900  6656700 ... 14439500 2453800  2874300
   2014-12-30 9262100 29881500  7318900 ... 16384700 2134400  2644600
   2014-12-31 8842400 41403400  7801700 ... 21552500 3727400  4451200

   [5 rows x 9 columns]

We can now use this DataFrame to plot a bar chart. The following plots the volume for MSFT:

In [13]:
   # plot the volume for MSFT
   msftV = volumes[["MSFT"]], msftV["MSFT"])

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Plotting volume-series data

A common type of financial graph plots a stock volume relative to its closing price:

In [14]:
   # draw the price history on the top
   top = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (0, 0), rowspan=3, colspan=4)
   top.plot(close_px['MSFT'].index, close_px['MSFT'], label='MSFT Adjusted Close')
   plt.title('Microsoft Adjusted Close Price 2012 - 2014')

   # and the volume along the bottom
   bottom = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (3,0), rowspan=1, colspan=4), msftV['MSFT'])
   plt.title('Microsoft Trading Volume 2012 - 2014')

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Plotting volume-series data

Calculating the simple daily percentage change

The simple daily percentage change (without dividends and other factors) is the percentage change in value of a stock over a single day of trading. It is defined by the following formula:

Calculating the simple daily percentage change

This can be easily calculated in pandas using .shift():

In [15]:
   # calculate daily percentage change
   daily_pc = close_px / close_px.shift(1) - 1

Out [15]:
   Ticker         AA   AAPL    DAL  ...     MSFT    PEP    UAL
   Date                             ...                       
   2012-01-03    NaN    NaN    NaN  ...      NaN    NaN    NaN
   2012-01-04  0.024  0.005 -0.004  ...    0.024  0.005 -0.020
   2012-01-05 -0.009  0.011  0.039  ...    0.010 -0.008 -0.007
   2012-01-06 -0.021  0.010 -0.001  ...    0.015 -0.013 -0.010
   2012-01-09  0.029 -0.002 -0.005  ...   -0.013  0.005 -0.015

   [5 rows x 9 columns]

A quick check shows you that the return for AAPL on 2011-09-08 is correct:

In [16]:
   # check the percentage on 2012-01-05
   close_px.ix['2012-01-05']['AAPL'] / close_px.ix['2012-01-04']
   ['AAPL'] -1

Out [16]:

Plotting the daily percentage change yields the following plot:

In [17]:
   # plot daily percentage change for AAPL

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Calculating the simple daily percentage change

A plot of daily percentage change will tend to look like noise, as shown in the preceding chart. However, when we use the cumulative product of these values, known as the daily cumulative return, then we can see how the value changes over time.

Calculating simple daily cumulative returns

We can calculate the cumulative daily return by taking the cumulative product of the daily percentage change. This calculation is represented by the following equation:

Calculating simple daily cumulative returns

This is actually calculated very succinctly using the following code, which utilizes the .cumprod() method:

In [18]:
   # calculate daily cumulative return
   daily_cr = (1 + daily_pc).cumprod()

Out [18]:
   Ticker         AA   AAPL    DAL  ...     MSFT    PEP    UAL
   Date                             ...                       
   2012-01-03    NaN    NaN    NaN  ...      NaN    NaN    NaN
   2012-01-04  1.024  1.005  0.996  ...    1.024  1.005  0.980
   2012-01-05  1.015  1.017  1.035  ...    1.034  0.997  0.973
   2012-01-06  0.993  1.027  1.034  ...    1.050  0.985  0.963
   2012-01-09  1.022  1.026  1.029  ...    1.036  0.990  0.949

   [5 rows x 9 columns]

We can plot the cumulative returns to see how the different stocks compare:

In [19]:
   # plot all the cumulative returns to get an idea
   # of the relative performance of all the stocks

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Calculating simple daily cumulative returns

Resampling data from daily to monthly returns

To calculate the monthly rate of return, we can use a little pandas magic and resample the original daily dates to throw out the days that are not an end of month value as well as forward filling anywhere there are missing values. This can be done using the ffill method to replace any NaN values from missing data with the previous value:

In [20]:
   # resample to end of month and forward fill values
   monthly = close_px.asfreq('EOM', method="ffill")

Out [20]:
   Ticker        AA   AAPL    DAL  ...     MSFT    PEP    UAL
   2012-01-31  9.79  61.51  10.39  ...    26.94  59.78  23.10
   2012-02-29  9.83  73.09   9.66  ...    29.15  57.76  20.65
   2012-03-30  9.68  80.79   9.77  ...    29.62  60.89  21.50
   2012-04-30  9.40  78.69  10.79  ...    29.40  60.57  21.92
   2012-05-31  8.29  77.85  11.92  ...    26.98  62.76  25.17

   [5 rows x 9 columns]

Note the date of the entries and how they are now only month-end dates. Values have not changed as the resample only selects the dates at the end of the month or fills the value with the value prior to that date if it did not exist in the source.

Now we can use this to calculate the monthly percentage changes:

In [21]:
   # calculate the monthly percentage changes
   monthly_pc = monthly / monthly.shift(1) - 1

Out [21]:
   Ticker         AA   AAPL    DAL  ...     MSFT    PEP    UAL
    2012-01-31    NaN    NaN    NaN  ...      NaN    NaN    NaN
   2012-02-29  0.004  0.188 -0.070  ...    0.082 -0.034 -0.106
   2012-03-30 -0.015  0.105  0.011  ...    0.016  0.054  0.041
   2012-04-30 -0.029 -0.026  0.104  ...   -0.007 -0.005  0.020
   2012-05-31 -0.118 -0.011  0.105  ...   -0.082  0.036  0.148

   [5 rows x 9 columns]

From that result, calculate the monthly cumulative returns and plot the results:

In [22]:
   # calculate monthly cumulative return
   monthly_cr = (1 + monthly_pc).cumprod()

Out [22]:
   Ticker         AA   AAPL    DAL  ...     MSFT    PEP    UAL
   2012-01-31    NaN    NaN    NaN  ...      NaN    NaN    NaN
   2012-02-29  1.004  1.188  0.930  ...    1.082  0.966  0.894
   2012-03-30  0.989  1.313  0.940  ...    1.099  1.019  0.931
   2012-04-30  0.960  1.279  1.038  ...    1.091  1.013  0.949
   2012-05-31  0.847  1.266  1.147  ...    1.001  1.050  1.090

   [5 rows x 9 columns]

In [23]:
   # plot the monthly cumulative returns

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Resampling data from daily to monthly returns

This looks very similar to the daily returns, but overall, it is not as smooth. This is because it uses roughly a 30th of the data and is tied to the end of month.

Analyzing distribution of returns

You can get a feel for the difference in distribution of the daily percentage changes for a particular stock by plotting that data in a histogram. A trick with generating histograms for data such as daily returns is to select the number of bins to lump values into. We will use 50 bins, which gives you a good feel for the distribution of daily changes across three years of data.

To demonstrate, the following shows you the distribution of the daily percentage change for AAPL:

In [24]:
   # histogram of the daily percentage change for AAPL
   aapl = daily_pc['AAPL']

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Analyzing distribution of returns

This chart tells us several things. First, most of the daily movements center around 0.0, and there is a small amount of skew to the left, but the data appears fairly symmetric. If we use the .describe() method on this data, we will very quickly get some useful analysis to describe the histogram:

In [25]:
   # descriptive statistics of the percentage changes

Out [25]:
   count    753.000
   mean       0.001
   std        0.017
   min       -0.124
   25%       -0.007
   50%        0.001
   75%        0.011
   max        0.089
   Name: AAPL, dtype: float64

A valuable conclusion to be drawn from this is the 95 percent coverage interval, which varies from -0.007476 to 0.010893. This states that over this 3-year period, the daily percent of change fit between these two percentages 95 percent of the time. This gives us a sense of the overall volatility in the stock. Technically, the closer these values, the less volatile the stock over that time.

We can plot the histograms of the daily percentage change for all the stocks in a single histogram matrix plot. This gives us a means to quickly determine the differences in stock behavior over these 3 years:

In [26]:
   # matrix of all stocks daily percentage changes histograms
   daily_pc.hist(bins=50, figsize=(8,6));

The output is seen in the following screenshot:

Analyzing distribution of returns


The labels on the axis are a bit squished together, but it's the histogram shape that is the most important.

From this chart, we can very easily see the difference in performance of these nine stocks during this time, particularly, the skewedness (more exceptional values on one side of the mean) as well as easily being able to easily see the difference in the overall distribution at various confidence levels, thereby giving a quick view of which stocks have been more or less volatile.

This is an excellent demonstration of the value of a picture versus using raw data items. Exploratory analysis like this is made very simple by the pandas ecosystem and allows you to more agilely analyze information.

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