Performance benefits of stacked data

Finally, we will examine a reason for which we would want to stack data like this. This is because it can be shown to be more efficient than using lookup through a single level index and then a column lookup, or even compared to an .iloc lookup, specifying the location of the row and column by location. The following demonstrates this:

In [53]:
   # stacked scalar access can be a lot faster than 
   # column access

   # time the different methods
   import timeit
   t = timeit.Timer("stacked1[('one', 'a')]", 
                    "from __main__ import stacked1, df")
   r1 = timeit.timeit(lambda: stacked1.loc[('one', 'a')], 
   r2 = timeit.timeit(lambda: df.loc['one']['a'], 
   r3 = timeit.timeit(lambda: df.iloc[1, 0], 

   # and the results are...  Yes, it's the fastest of the three
   r1, r2, r3

   (0.5598540306091309, 1.0486528873443604, 1.2129769325256348)

This can have extreme benefits for application performance if we need to repeatedly access a large number of scalar values out of a DataFrame.

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