Handling duplicate data

The data in your sample can often contain duplicate rows. This is just a reality of dealing with data collected automatically, or even a situation created in manually collecting data. Often, it is considered best to err on the side of having duplicates instead of missing data, especially if the data can be considered to be idempotent. However, duplicate data can increase the size of the dataset, and if it is not idempotent, then it would not be appropriate to process the duplicates.

To facilitate finding duplicate data, pandas provides a .duplicates() method that returns a Boolean Series where each entry represents whether or not the row is a duplicate. A True value represents that the specific row has appeared earlier in the DataFrame object with all column values being identical.

To demonstrate this, the following code creates a DataFrame object with duplicate rows:

In [40]:
   # a DataFrame with lots of duplicate data
   data = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['x'] * 3 + ['y'] * 4, 
                        'b': [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]})

      a  b
   0  x  1
   1  x  1
   2  x  2
   3  y  3
   4  y  3
   5  y  4
   6  y  4

A DataFrame object with duplicate rows which were created by the preceding code can be analyzed using .duplicated() method. This method determines that a row is a duplicate if the values in all columns were seen already in a row earlier in the DataFrame object:

In [41]:
   # reports which rows are duplicates based upon
   # if the data in all columns was seen before

   0    False
   1     True
   2    False
   3    False
   4     True
   5    False
   6     True
   dtype: bool

Duplicate rows can be dropped from a DataFrame using the .drop_duplicates() method. This method will return a copy of the DataFrame object with the duplicate rows removed.

Duplicate rows can be dropped from a DataFrame by using the .drop_duplicates() method. This method will return a copy of the DataFrame with the duplicate rows removed.

It is also possible to use the inplace=True parameter to remove the rows without making a copy:

In [42]:
   # drop duplicate rows retaining first row of the duplicates

      a  b
   0  x  1
   2  x  2
   3  y  3
   5  y  4

Note that there is a ramification to which indexes remain when dropping duplicates. The duplicate records may have different index labels (labels are not taken into account in calculating a duplicate). So, which row is kept can affect the set of labels in the resulting DataFrame object.

The default operation is to keep the first row of the duplicates. If you want to keep the last row of duplicates, you can use the take_last=True parameter. The following code demonstrates how the result differs using this parameter:

In [43]:
   # drop duplicate rows, only keeping the first 
   # instance of any data

      a  b
   1  x  1
   2  x  2
   4  y  3
   6  y  4

If you want to check for duplicates based on a smaller set of columns, you can specify a list of columns names:

In [44]:
   # add a column c with values 0..6
   # this makes .duplicated() report no duplicate rows
   data['c'] = range(7)

   0    False
   1    False
   2    False
   3    False
   4    False
   5    False
   6    False
   dtype: bool

In [45]:
   # but if we specify duplicates to be dropped only in columns a & b
   # they will be dropped
   data.drop_duplicates(['a', 'b'])

     a  b  c
   0  x  1  0
   2  x  2  2
   3  y  3  3
   5  y  4  5
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