For the last three decades, storage mechanisms have involved storing data and its metadata. The metadata, which is the data about data, stores information such as where the data is actually stored in a series of storage nodes and disk arrays. Each time new data is added to the storage system, its metadata is first updated with the physical location where the data will be stored, after which the actual data is stored. This process has been proven to work well when we have a low storage size on the scale of gigabytes to a few terabytes of data, but what about storing petabyte- or exabyte-level data? This mechanism will definitely not be suitable for storage in the future. Moreover, it creates a single point of failure for your storage system. Unfortunately, if you lose your storage metadata, you lose all your data. So, it's of utmost importance to keep central metadata safe from disasters by any means, either by keeping multiple copies on a single node or replicating the entire data and metadata for a higher degree of fault tolerance. Such complex management of metadata is a bottleneck in a storage system's scalability, high availability, and performance.

Ceph is revolutionary when it comes to data storage and management. It uses the Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing (CRUSH) algorithm, the intelligent data distribution mechanism of Ceph. The CRUSH algorithm is one of the jewels in Ceph's crown; it is the core of the entire data storage mechanism of Ceph. Unlike traditional systems that rely on storing and managing a central metadata / index table, Ceph uses the CRUSH algorithm to deterministically compute where the data should be written to or read from. Instead of storing metadata, CRUSH computes metadata on demand, thus removing all the limitations encountered in storing metadata in a traditional way.

The CRUSH lookup

The CRUSH mechanism works in such a way that the metadata computation workload is distributed and performed only when needed. The metadata computation process is also known as a CRUSH lookup, and today's computer hardware is powerful enough to perform CRUSH lookup operations quickly and efficiently. The unique thing about a CRUSH lookup is that it's not system dependent. Ceph provides enough flexibility to clients to perform on-demand metadata computation, that is, perform a CRUSH lookup with their own system resources, thus eliminating central lookups.

For a read-and-write operation to Ceph clusters, clients first contact a Ceph monitor and retrieve a copy of the cluster map. The cluster map helps clients know the state and configuration of the Ceph cluster. The data is converted to objects with object and pool names/IDs. The object is then hashed with the number of placement groups to generate a final placement group within the required Ceph pool. The calculated placement group then goes through a CRUSH lookup to determine the primary OSD location to store or retrieve data. After computing the exact OSD ID, the client contacts this OSD directly and stores the data. All these compute operations are performed by the clients, hence it does not impact cluster performance. Once the data is written to the primary OSD, the same node performs a CRUSH lookup operation and computes the location for secondary placement groups and OSDs so that the data is replicated across clusters for high availability. Consider the following example for a CRUSH lookup and object placement to OSD.

First of all, the object name and cluster placement group number are applied with the hash function and based on pool IDs; a placement group ID, PGID, is generated. Next, a CRUSH lookup is performed on this PGID to find out the primary and secondary OSD to write data.

The CRUSH lookup

The CRUSH hierarchy

CRUSH is fully infrastructure aware and absolutely user configurable; it maintains a nested hierarchy for all components of your infrastructure. The CRUSH device list usually includes disk, node, rack, row, switch, power circuit, room, data center, and so on. These components are known as failure zones or CRUSH buckets. The CRUSH map contains a list of available buckets to aggregate devices into physical locations. It also includes a list of rules that tells CRUSH how to replicate data for different Ceph pools. The following diagram will give you an overview of how CRUSH looks at your physical infrastructure:

The CRUSH hierarchy

Depending on your infrastructure, CRUSH spreads data and its replica across these failure zones such that it should be safe and available even if some components fail. This is how CRUSH removes single points of failure problems from your storage infrastructure, which is made up of commodity hardware, and yet guarantees high availability. CRUSH writes data evenly across the cluster disks, which improves performance and reliability, and forces all the disks to participate in the cluster. It makes sure that all cluster disks are equally utilized, irrespective of their capacity. To do so, CRUSH allocates weights to each OSD. The higher the weight of an OSD, the more physical storage capacity it will have, and CRUSH will write more data to such OSDs. Hence, on average, OSDs with a lower weight are equally filled as compared to OSDs with a higher weight.

Recovery and rebalancing

In an event of failure of any component from the failure zone, Ceph waits for 300 seconds, by default, before it marks the OSD down and out and initiates the recovery operation. This setting can be controlled using the mon osd down out interval parameter under a Ceph cluster configuration file. During the recovery operation, Ceph starts regenerating the affected data that was hosted on the node that failed.

Since CRUSH replicates data to several disks, these replicated copies of data are used at the time of recovery. CRUSH tries to move a minimum amount of data during recovery operations and develops a new cluster layout, making Ceph fault tolerant even after the failure of some components.

When a new host or disk is added to a Ceph cluster, CRUSH starts a rebalancing operation, under which it moves the data from existing hosts/disks to a new host/disk. Rebalancing is performed to keep all disks equally utilized, which improves the cluster performance and keeps it healthy. For example, if a Ceph cluster contains 2000 OSDs, and a new system is added with 20 new OSDs, only 1 percent of data will be moved during the rebalancing operation, and all the existing OSDs will work in parallel to move the data, helping the operation to complete quickly. However, for Ceph clusters that are highly utilized, it is recommended to add new OSDs with weight 0 and gradually increase their weight to a higher number based on their size. In this way, the new OSD will exert less rebalancing load on Ceph clusters and avoid performance degradation.

Editing a CRUSH map

When we deploy Ceph with ceph-deploy, it generates a default CRUSH map for our configuration. The default CRUSH map is idle in the testing and sandbox environment, but if you plan to deploy a Ceph cluster in a large production environment, you should consider developing a custom CRUSH map for your environment. The following process will help you to compile a new CRUSH map:

  1. Extract your existing CRUSH map. With -o, Ceph will output a compiled CRUSH map to the file you specify:
    # ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap.txt
  2. Decompile your CRUSH map. With -d, Ceph will decompile the CRUSH map to the file specified by -o:
    # crushtool -d crushmap.txt -o crushmap-decompile
  3. Edit the CRUSH map with any editor:
    # vi crushmap-decompile
  4. Recompile the new CRUSH map:
    #  crushtool -c crushmap-decompile -o crushmap-compiled
  5. Set the new CRUSH map into the Ceph cluster:
    #  ceph osd setcrushmap -i crushmap-compiled

Customizing a cluster layout

Customizing a cluster layout is one of the most important steps towards building a robust and reliable Ceph storage cluster. It's equally important to install cluster hardware in a fault tolerant zone and include it in a high-available layout from the Ceph software perspective. The default Ceph deployment is not aware of noninteractive components such as rack, row, and data center. After initial deployment, we need to customize the layout as per our requirements. For example, if you execute the ceph osd tree command, you will notice that it will only have hosts and OSDs listed under root, which is the default. Let's try to allocate these hosts to racks:

  1. Execute ceph osd tree to get the current cluster layout:
    Customizing a cluster layout
  2. Add a few racks in your Ceph cluster layout:
    # ceph osd crush add-bucket rack01 rack
    # ceph osd crush add-bucket rack02 rack
    # ceph osd crush add-bucket rack03 rack
  3. Move each host under specific racks:
    # ceph osd crush move ceph-node1 rack=rack01
    # ceph osd crush move ceph-node2 rack=rack02
    # ceph osd crush move ceph-node3 rack=rack03
  4. Now, move each rack under the default root:
    # ceph osd crush move rack03 root=default
    # ceph osd crush move rack02 root=default
    # ceph osd crush move rack01 root=default
  5. Check your new layout. You will notice that all your hosts have now been moved under specific racks. In this way, you can customize your CRUSH layouts to complement your physically installed layout:
    Customizing a cluster layout
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