Ceph and the future of storage

Enterprise storage requirements have grown explosively over the last few years. Research has shown that data in large enterprises is growing at a rate of 40 to 60 percent annually, and many companies are doubling their data footprint each year. IDC analysts estimated that there were 54.4 exabytes of total digital data worldwide in the year 2000. By 2007, this reached 295 exabytes, and by the end of 2014, it's expected to reach 8,591 exabytes worldwide.

Worldwide storage demands a system that is unified, distributed, reliable, high performance, and most importantly, massively scalable up to the exabyte level and beyond. The Ceph storage system is a true solution for the growing data explosion of this planet. The reason why Ceph is emerging at lightning pace is its lively community and users who truly believe in the power of Ceph. Data generation is a never-ending process. We cannot stop data generation, but we need to bridge the gap between data generation and data storage.

Ceph fits exactly in this gap; its unified, distributed, cost-effective, and scalable nature is the potential solution to today's and the future's data storage needs. The open source Linux community had foreseen Ceph's potential long back in 2008, and they had added support for Ceph in the mainline Linux kernel. This has been a milestone for Ceph as there is no other competitor to join it there.

Ceph and the future of storage

Ceph as a cloud storage solution

One of the most problematic areas in cloud infrastructure development is storage. A cloud environment needs storage that can scale up and out at low cost and which can be easily integrated with other components of that cloud framework. The need of such a storage system is a vital aspect to decide the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the entire cloud project. There are several traditional storage vendors who claim to provide integration to the cloud framework, but today, we need additional features beyond just integration support. These traditional storage solutions might have proven successful a few years back, but at present, they are not a good candidate for being a unified cloud storage solution. Also, traditional storage systems are too expensive to deploy and support in the long run, and scaling up and out is a gray area for them. Today, we need a storage solution that has been totally redefined to fulfill the current and future needs, a system that has been built upon open source software, and commodity hardware that can provide the required scalability in a cost-effective way.

Ceph has been rapidly evolving in this space to bridge this gap of a true cloud storage backend. It is grabbing center stage with every major open source cloud platform such as OpenStack, CloudStack, and OpenNebula. In addition to this, Ceph has built partnerships with Canonical, Red Hat, and SUSE, the giants in Linux space. These companies are favoring big time to Ceph—the distributed, reliable, and scalable storage clusters for their Linux and cloud software distributions. Ceph is working closely with these Linux giants to provide a reliable multifeatured storage backend for their cloud platforms.

Public and private clouds are gaining a lot of momentum due to the OpenStack project. OpenStack has proven itself as an end-to-end cloud solution. It has its internal core storage components named Swift, which provides object-based storage, and Nova-Volume, also known as Cinder, which provides block storage volumes to VMs.

Unlike Swift, which is limited only to object storage, Ceph is a unified storage solution of block, file, and object storage, and thus benefits OpenStack by providing multiple storage types from a single storage cluster. So, you can easily and efficiently manage storage for your OpenStack cloud. The OpenStack and Ceph communities have been working together for many years to develop a fully supported Ceph storage backend for the OpenStack cloud. Starting with Folsom, which is the sixth major release of OpenStack, Ceph has been fully integrated with it. The Ceph developers ensured that Ceph works well with the latest version of OpenStack, and at the same time, contribute to new features as well as bug fixes. OpenStack utilizes one of the most demanding feature of Ceph, the RADOS block device (RBD), through its cinder and glance components. Ceph RBD helps OpenStack in rapid provisioning of hundreds of virtual machine instances by providing snapshotted-cloned volume, which are thin-provisioned, and hence less space hungry and ultra quick.

Cloud platforms with Ceph as a storage backend provide the much needed flexibility to service providers to build Storage-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service solutions, which they cannot achieve from other traditional enterprise storage solutions, as they are not designed to fulfill cloud needs. Using Ceph as a backend for cloud platforms, service providers can offer low-cost cloud services to their customers. Ceph enables them to offer relatively low storage prices with enterprise features compared to other storage providers such as Amazon.

Dell, SUSE, and Canonical offer and support deployment and configuration management tools such as Dell Crowbar and Juju for automated and easy deployment of Ceph storage for their OpenStack cloud solutions. Other configuration management tools such as Puppet, Chef, SaltStack, and Ansible are quite popular for automated Ceph deployment. Each of these tools has its open source, readymade Ceph modules that can be easily used for Ceph deployment. In a distributed environment such as Cloud, every component must scale. These configuration management tools are essential to quickly scale up your infrastructure. Ceph is now fully compatible with these tools, allowing customers to deploy and extend a Ceph cluster instantly.


Starting with the OpenStack Folsom release, the nova-volume component has become cinder; however, nova-volume commands still work with OpenStack.

Ceph as a software-defined solution

All the customers who want to save money on storage infrastructure are most likely to consider Software-defined Storage (SDS) very soon. An SDS can offer a good solution to customers with a large investment in legacy storage who are still not getting required flexibility and scalability. Ceph is a true SDS solution, which is an open source software, runs on any commodity hardware, hence no vendor lock in, and provides low cost per GB. An SDS solution provides the much needed flexibility with respect to hardware selection. Customers can choose any commodity hardware from any manufacturer and are free to design a heterogeneous hardware solution for their own needs. Ceph's software-defined storage on top of this hardware will take care of everything. It also provides all the enterprise storage features right from the software layer. Low cost, reliability, and scalability are its main traits.

Ceph as a unified storage solution

The definition of a unified storage solution from a storage vendor's perspective is comprised of file-based and block-based access from a single platform. The enterprise storage environment provides NAS plus SAN from a single platform, which is treated as a unified storage solution. NAS and SAN technologies were proven to be successful in the late 90's and early 20's, but if we think about the future, are we sure that NAS and SAN can manage storage needs 50 years down the line? Do they have enough potential to handle multiexabytes of data? Probably not.

In Ceph, the term unified storage is more meaningful than what existing storage vendors claim to provide. Ceph has been designed from the ground to be future ready; its building blocks are constructed such that they handle enormous amounts of data. Ceph is a true unified storage solution that provides object, block, and file storage from a single unified software layer. When we call Ceph as future ready, we mean to focus on its object storage capabilities, which is a better fit for today's mix of unstructured data than blocks or files. Everything in Ceph relies on intelligent objects, whether it's block storage or file storage.

Rather than managing blocks and files underneath, Ceph manages objects and supports block- and file-based storage on top of it. If you think of a traditional file-based storage system, files are addressed via the file path, and in a similar way, objects in Ceph are addressed by a unique identifier, and are stored in a flat addressed space. Objects provide limitless scaling with increased performance by eliminating metadata operations. Ceph uses an algorithm to dynamically compute where the object should be stored and retrieved from.

The next generation architecture

The traditional storage systems do not have a smarter way of managing metadata. Metadata is the information (data) about data, which decides where the data will be written to and read from. Traditional storage systems maintain a central lookup table to keep track of their metadata; that is, every time a client sends a request for a read or write operation, the storage system first performs a lookup to the huge metadata table, and after receiving the results, it performs the client operation. For a smaller storage system, you might not notice performance hits, but think of a large storage cluster; you would definitely be restricted by performance limits with this approach. This would also restrict your scalability.

Ceph does not follow the traditional architecture of storage; it has been totally reinvented with the next-generation architecture. Rather than storing and manipulating metadata, Ceph introduces a newer way, the CRUSH algorithm. CRUSH stands for Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing. For more information, visit http://ceph.com/resources/publications/. Instead of performing a lookup in the metadata table for every client request, the CRUSH algorithm, on demand, computes where the data should be written to or read from. By computing metadata, there is no need to manage a centralized table for metadata. Modern computers are amazingly fast and can perform a CRUSH lookup very quickly; moreover, a smaller computing load can be distributed across cluster nodes, leveraging the power of distributed storage. CRUSH does clean management of metadata, which is a better way than the traditional storage system.

In addition to this, CRUSH has a unique property of infrastructure awareness. It understands the relationship between the various components of your infrastructure, right from the system disk, pool, node, rack, power board, switch, and data center row, to the data center room and further. These are failure zones for any infrastructure. CRUSH stores the primary copy of the data and its replica in a fashion such that data will be available even if a few components fail in a failure zone. Users have full control of defining these failure zones for their infrastructure inside Ceph's CRUSH map. This gives power to the Ceph administrator to efficiently manage the data of their own environment.

CRUSH makes Ceph self managing and self healing. In the event of component failure in a failure zone, CRUSH senses which component has failed and determines the effect of this failure on the cluster. Without any administrative intervention, CRUSH does self managing and self healing by performing a recovery operation for the data lost due to failure. CRUSH regenerates the data from the replica copies that the cluster maintains. At every point in time, the cluster will have more than one copy of data that will be distributed across the cluster.

Using CRUSH, we can design a highly reliable storage infrastructure with no single point of failure. It makes Ceph a highly scalable and reliable storage system, which is future ready.

Raid – end of an era

Raid technology has been the fundamental building block for storage systems for many years. It has proven successful for almost every kind of data that has been generated in the last 30 years. However, all eras must come to an end, and this time, it's for RAID. RAID-based storage systems have started to show limitations and are incapable of delivering future storage needs.

Disk-manufacturing technology is getting mature over the years. Manufacturers are now producing larger-capacity enterprise disks at lower prices. We no longer talk about 450 GB, 600 GB, or even 1 TB disks as there are a lot of other options with larger-capacity, better performing disks available today. The newer enterprise disk specifications offer up to 4 TB and even 6 TB disk drives. Storage capacity will keep on increasing year by year.

Think of an enterprise RAID-based storage system that is made up of numerous 4 or 6 TB disk drives; in the event of disk failure, RAID will take several hours and even up to days to repair a single failed disk. Meanwhile, if another drive fails, that would be chaos. Repairing multiple large disk drives using RAID is a cumbersome process.

Moreover, RAID eats up a lot of whole disks as a spare disk. This again affects the TCO, and if you are running short of spare disks, then again you are in trouble. The RAID mechanism requires a set of identical disks in a single RAID group; you will face penalties if you change the disk size, RPM, and disk type. Doing this will adversely affect the capacity and performance of your storage system.

Enterprise RAID-based systems often require expensive hardware component also known as RAID cards, which again increases the overall costs. RAID can hit a dead end when it's not possible to grow its size that is no scale up or scale out feature after a certain limit. You cannot add more capacity even though you have the money. RAID 5 can survive a single disk failure and RAID 6 survives two-disk failure, which is the maximum for any RAID level. At the time of RAID recovery operations, if clients are performing an operation, they will most likely starve for I/O until the recovery operation finishes. The most limiting factor in RAID is that it only protects against disk failure; it cannot protect against failure of a network, server hardware, OS, switch, or regional disaster. The maximum protection you can get from RAID is survival for two-disk failures; you cannot survive more than two-disk failures in any circumstance.

Hence, we need a system that can overcome all these drawbacks in a performance- and cost-effective way. A Ceph storage system is the best solution available today to address these problems. For data reliability, Ceph makes use of the data replication method; that is, it does not use RAID, and because of this, it simply overcomes all the problems that can be found in a RAID-based enterprise system. Ceph is a software-defined storage, so we do not require any specialized hardware for data replication; moreover, the replication level is highly customized by means of commands; that is, the Ceph storage administrator can easily manage a replication factor as per their requirements and underlying infrastructure. In the event of one or more disk failures, Ceph's replication is a better process than that in RAID. When a disk drive fails, all the data that was residing on that disk at that point of time starts to recover from its peer disks. Since Ceph is a distributed system, all the primary copies and replicated copies of data are scattered on all the cluster disks such that no primary and replicated copy should reside on the same disk and must reside on a different failure zone defined by the CRUSH map. Hence, all the cluster disks participate in data recovery. This makes the recovery operation amazingly fast without performance bottlenecks. This recovery operation does not require any spare disk; data is simply replicated to other Ceph disks in the cluster. Ceph uses a weighting mechanism for its disks; hence, different disk sizes is not a problem. Ceph stores data based on the disk's weight, which is intelligently managed by Ceph and can also be managed by custom CRUSH maps.

In addition to the replication method, Ceph also supports another advance way of data reliability, by using the erasure-coding technique. Erasure-coded pools require less storage space compared to replicated pools. In this process, data is recovered or regenerated algorithmically by erasure-code calculation. You can use both the techniques of data availability, that is, replication as well as erasure coding, in the same Ceph cluster but over different storage pools. We will learn more about the erasure-coding technique in the coming chapters.

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