Installing Cloudera Hadoop and HBase

Now, let's see how to install and configure the Cloudera distribution of Hadoop. There are two options for Cloudera Hadoop installation:

If you use tarball, follow the same method as was previously mentioned for both Ubuntu and Red Hat distros. There are other methods too, which use the .rpm package, which we will discuss now.

Downloading the required RPM packages

In this section, we will see links to download the required RPM packages for installation.

The following is the link to download RPM packages for the CDH4 version of Hadoop:

The following is the link to download RPM packages for the CDH4 version of HBase:

The following are the links to download RPM packages for the CDH4 version of ZooKeeper:

After downloading these packages, we can install different components on machines assigned for specific components.

For a single node setup, we can install all these RPM packages on a single server, as follows:

Rpm –ivh<rpm package name.rpm>

For a fully distributed cluster, we will install the Hadoop and HBase RPM packages on all nodes; the NameNode, JobTracker, and master RPM packages on the NameNode server; the DataNode, TaskTracker, and RegionServer RPM packages on DataNodes; and the ZooKeeper RPM package on servers assigned for ZooKeepers.


Keep in mind that to install RPM packages, we need root user access. After installing these RPM packages, change the permission and ownership of the Hadoop/HBase directory to the user. Usernames will be used to start, stop, and handle the cluster.

After changing the permission and ownership, the configuration process is the same as configuring TAR files. We need to add the parameters as we added them in the Configuring Apache HBase section; the startup and stop processes are also the same.

Installing Cloudera in an easier way

There is another easy method to install Cloudera, which is as follows:

  1. Download Cloudera:
  2. Install and configure local Cloudera using the downloaded RPM package:
    sudo yum --nogpgchecklocalinstall<Cloudera rpm downloaded cloudera-cdh-4-0.x86_64.rpm>
  3. Install CDH4.

    The following command will add a repository key:

    sudo rpm --import
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