Applications of HBase

The applications of HBase are as follows:

  • Medical: HBase is used in the medical field for storing genome sequences and running MapReduce on it, storing the disease history of people or an area, and many others.
  • Sports: HBase is used in the sports field for storing match histories for better analytics and prediction.
  • Web: HBase is used to store user history and preferences for better customer targeting.
  • Oil and petroleum: HBase is used in the oil and petroleum industry to store exploration data for analysis and predict probable places where oil can be found.
  • e-commerce: HBase is used for recording and storing logs about customer search history, and to perform analytics and then target advertisement for better business.
  • Other fields: HBase can be used in many other fields where it's needed to store petabytes of data and run analysis on it, for which traditional systems may take months. We will discuss more about use cases and industry usability in further chapters.
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