Code related to administrative tasks

The following is the code for administrative tasks such as creating tables, deleting tables, enabling tables, and so on:

import java.util.Collection;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.MasterNotRunningException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ZooKeeperConnectionException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ClusterStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HServerInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor;
public class hbaseAdminCodeExample {
  private Configuration conf = null;
  HBaseAdmin admin = null;
  public hbaseAdminCodeExample(){

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
    System.out.println("Argument Specified" + i + ":" + args[i]);
  config.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "infinity");
  config.set("", "2181");
  hbaseAdminCodeExample adminObj = new hbaseAdminCodeExample();
  adminObj.printClusterDetails(); /* this will print hbase cluster details.*/
  //rest of the methods also can be called as
  adminObj.<method name with arguments>

  static {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    admin=new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void addColumnToTable(String tableObj, String columnObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    adminObj.addColumnToTable(tableObj, new HColumnDescriptor(columnObj));
    System.out.println("Added column : " + columnObj + "to table " + tableObj);
  public void delColumnFromTable(String tableObj, String columnObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    adminObj.deleteColumn(tableObj, columnObj);
    System.out.println("Deleted column : " + columnObj + "from table " + tableObj);
  public void createTableInHbase(String tableObj, String ColFamName) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    HTableDescriptor tabledescriptor = new HTableDescriptor(Bytes.toBytes(tableObj));
    tabledescriptor.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor(ColFamName));
  public void performMajorCompact(String mytable) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HTable table = new HTable(config, mytable);
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    String tableObj = table.toString();
    try {
      System.out.println("Compaction done!");
    } catch (Exception e) {
  public static void checkIfRunningFine() throws MasterNotRunningException, ZooKeeperConnectionException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Exception at " + e);
  public void perfomrMinorcompact(String tabName) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void deletetableFromHBase(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void disableHBaseTable(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void enableHBaseTable(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void flushTable(String tabName) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public ClusterStatus getHBaseclusterstatus() throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    return adminObj.getClusterStatus();
  public void printClusterDetails() throws IOException {
    ClusterStatus clusterStatus = getclusterstatus();
    Collection < HServerInfo > serverinfo = clusterStatus.getServerInfo();
    for (HServerInfo s: serverinfo) {
      System.out.println("Server name " + s.getServerName());
      System.out.println("Host name " + s.getHostname());
      System.out.println("Host name : Port " + s.getHostnamePort());
      System.out.println("Info port" + s.getInfoPort());
      System.out.println("Server load " + s.getLoad().toString());
    String version = clusterStatus.getHBaseVersion();
    System.out.println("Version " + version);
    int regioncounts = clusterStatus.getRegionsCount();
    System.out.println("Region Counts :" + regioncounts);
    int servers = clusterStatus.getServers();
    System.out.println("Servers :" + servers);
    double averageload = clusterStatus.getAverageLoad();
    System.out.println("Average load: " + averageload);
    int deadservers = clusterStatus.getDeadServers();
    System.out.println("Deadservers : " + deadservers);
    Collection < String > Servernames = clusterStatus.getDeadServerNames();
    for (String s: Servernames) {
      System.out.println("Dead Servernames " + s);
  public void isHBaseTableAvailable(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    boolean result = adminObj.isTableAvailable(tableObj);
    System.out.println("Table " + tableObj + " available ?" + result);
  public void isHBaseTableEnabled(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    boolean result = adminObj.isTableEnabled(tableObj);
    System.out.println("Table " + tableObj + " enabled ?" + result);
  public void isHBaseTableDisabled(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    boolean result = adminObj.isTableDisabled(tableObj);
    System.out.println("Table " + tableObj + " disabled ?" + result);
  public void checkIfTableExists(String tableObj) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    boolean result = adminObj.tableExists(tableObj);
    System.out.println("Table " + tableObj + " exists ?" + result);
  public void shutdownCluster() throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    System.out.println("Shutting down..");
  public void listAllTablesInHBase() throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void modifyTableColumn(String tableObj, String columnname, String descriptor) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    adminObj.modifyColumn(tableObj, columnname, new HColumnDescriptor(descriptor));
  public void modifyHBaseTable(String tableObj, String hbaseNewTableName) throws IOException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    adminObj.modifyTable(Bytes.toBytes(tableObj), new HTableDescriptor(hbaseNewTableName));
  public void splitHBaseTable(String tableObj) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin adminObj = new HBaseAdmin(config);
  public void checkIfMasterRunning() throws MasterNotRunningException, ZooKeeperConnectionException {
    config = HBaseConfiguration.create();
    HBaseAdmin administer = new HBaseAdmin(config);
    System.out.println("Master running ? " + administer.isMasterRunning());

The preceding code can perform all administration-related operations using the HBaseAdmin class. We need to pass the method name using <HBaseAdmin Object>.<method Name with arguments>.

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