
In this chapter, we looked at a real use case for Reactive applications: building a dashboard for AWS CloudFormation stacks.

We have seen how thinking of all the information needed as resources/items flowing through a graph fits nicely with how one creates Observables.

In addition, by creating primitive Observables that do one thing only gives us a nice declarative way to combine them into more complex Observables, giving us a degree of reuse not usually found with common techniques.

Finally, we packaged it together with a simple Om-based interface to demonstrate how using different abstractions in the same application does not add to complexity as long as the abstractions are chosen carefully for the problem at hand.

This brings us to the end of what hopefully was an enjoyable and informative journey through the different ways of Reactive Programming.

Far from being a complete reference, this book aims to provide you, the reader, with enough information, as well as concrete tools and examples that you can apply today.

It is also my hope that the references and exercises included in this book prove themselves useful, should you wish to expand your knowledge and seek out more details.

Lastly, I strongly encourage you to turn the page and read the Appendix , The Algebra of Library Design, as I truly believe it will, if nothing else, make you think hard about the importance of composition in programming.

I sincerely wish this book has been as entertaining and instructional to read as it was to write.

Thank you for reading. I look forward to seeing the great things you build.

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