Using SpecFlow.NET and Selenium WebDriver in .NET for BDD

We saw how to use Selenium WebDriver with Cucumber-JVM for BDD/ATDD. Now let's try using a similar combination in .NET using SpecFlow.NET. We can implement BDD in .NET using the SpecFlow.NET and Selenium WebDriver .NET bindings.

SpecFlow.NET is inspired by Cucumber and uses the same Gherkin language to write specs. In this recipe, we will implement tests for the Fund Transfer feature using SpecFlow.NET. We will also use the Page objects for FundTransferPage in this recipe.

Getting ready

This recipe is created with SpecFlow.NET Version 1.9.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013; follow these steps:

This will install the project template and other support files for SpecFlow.NET in Visual Studio 20132.

How to do it...

Let's test the fund transfer feature using SpecFlow.NET by performing the following steps:

  1. Launch Microsoft Visual Studio.
  2. In Visual Studio, create a new project by going to File | New | Project. Select Visual C# Class Library Project. Name the project FundTransfer.specs, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  3. Next, add SpecFlow.NET, WebDriver, and NUnit using NuGet. Right-click on the FundTransfer.specs solution in Solution Explorer and select Manage NuGet Packages…, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  4. On the FundTransfer.specs - Manage NuGet Packages dialog box, select Online and search for the SpecFlow packages. The search will result in the following suggestions:
    How to do it...
  5. Select SpecFlow.NUnit from the list and click on the Install button. NuGet will download and install SpecFlow.NUnit and any other package dependencies to the solution. This will take a while.
  6. Next, search for the WebDriver package on the FundTransfer.specs - Manage NuGet Packages dialog box.
  7. Select Selenium WebDriver and Selenium WebDriver Support Classes from the list and click on the Install button.
  8. Close the FundTransfer.specs - Manage NuGet Packages dialog box.

Creating a spec file

The steps to create a spec file are as follows:

  1. Right-click on the FundTransfer.specs solution in Solution Explorer. Select Add | New Item.
  2. On the Add New Item – FundTransfer.specs dialog box, select SpecFlow Feature File and enter FundTransfer.feature in the Name: textbox. Click on the Add button, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Creating a spec file
  3. In the Editor window you will see the FundTransfer.feature tab.
  4. By default, SpecFlow will add a dummy feature in the feature file. Replace the content of this file with the following feature and scenarios:
    Feature: Customer Transfer's Fund
           As a customer,
           I want to transfer funds
           so that I can send money to my friends and family
    Scenario: Valid Payee
           Given the user is on Fund Transfer Page
           When he enters "Jim" as payee name
           And he enters "100" as amount
           And he Submits request for Fund Transfer
           Then ensure the fund transfer is complete with "$100 transferred successfully to Jim!!" message
    Scenario: Invalid Payee
           Given the user is on Fund Transfer Page
           When he enters "Jack" as payee name
           And he enters "100" as amount
           And he Submits request for Fund Transfer
           Then ensure a transaction failure message "Transfer failed!! 'Jack' is not registered in your List of Payees" is displayed
    Scenario: Account is overdrawn past the overdraft limit
           Given the user is on Fund Transfer Page
           When he enters "Tim" as payee name
           And he enters "1000000" as amount
           And he Submits request for Fund Transfer
           Then ensure a transaction failure message "Transfer failed!! account cannot be overdrawn" is displayed

Creating a step definition file

The steps to create a step definition file are as follows:

  1. To add a step definition file, right-click on the FundTransfer.sepcs solution in Solution Explorer. Select Add | New Item.
  2. On the Add New Item - FundTransfer.specs dialog box, select SpecFlow Step Definition File and enter FundTransferStepDefs.cs in the Name: textbox.
  3. Click on the Add button. A new C# class will be added with dummy steps. Replace the content of this file with the following code:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
    using NUnit.Framework;
    using OpenQA.Selenium;
    namespace FundTransfer.specs
        public class FundTransferStepDefs
            FundsTransferPage _ftPage = new FundsTransferPage(Environment.Driver);
            [Given(@"the user is on Fund Transfer Page")]
            public void GivenUserIsOnFundTransferPage()
            [When(@"he enters ""(.*)"" as payee name")]
            public void WhenUserEneteredIntoThePayeeNameField(string payeeName)
            [When(@"he enters ""(.*)"" as amount")]
            public void WhenUserEneteredIntoTheAmountField(string amount)
            [When(@"he enters ""(.*)"" as amount above his limit")]
            public void WhenUserEneteredIntoTheAmountFieldAboveLimit(string amount)
            [When(@"he Submits request for Fund Transfer")]
            public void WhenUserPressTransferButton()
            [Then(@"ensure the fund transfer is complete with ""(.*)"" message")]
            public void ThenFundTransferIsComplete(string message)
                Assert.AreEqual(message, _ftPage.messageLabel.Text);
            [Then(@"ensure a transaction failure message ""(.*)"" is displayed")]
            public void ThenFundTransferIsFailed(string message)
                Assert.AreEqual(message, _ftPage.messageLabel.Text);

Defining a Page object and a helper class

The steps to define a Page object and a helper class are as follows:

  1. Define a Page object for the Fund Transfer Page by adding a new C# class file. Name this class FundTransferPage. Copy the following code to this class:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using OpenQA.Selenium;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
    namespace FundTransfer.specs
        class FundTransferPage
            public FundTransferPage(IWebDriver driver)
                PageFactory.InitElements(driver, this);
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "payee")]
            public IWebElement payeeNameField { get; set; }
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "amount")]
            public IWebElement amountField { get; set; }
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "transfer")]
            public IWebElement transferButton { get; set; }
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "message")]
            public IWebElement messageLabel { get; set; }
  2. We need a helper class that will provide a WebDriver instance and perform clean up activity at the end. Name this class Environment and copy the following code to this class:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using OpenQA.Selenium;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
    using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
    namespace FundTransfer.specs
        public class Environment
            private static ChromeDriver driver;
            public static IWebDriver Driver
                get { return driver ?? (driver = new ChromeDriver(@"C:ChromeDriver")); }
            public static void AfterTestRun()
                driver = null;
  3. Build the solution.

Running the tests

The steps to run the tests are as follows:

  1. Open the Test Explorer window by clicking the Test Explorer option on Test | Windows on Main Menu.
  2. It will display the three scenarios listed in the feature file, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Running the tests
  3. Click on Run All to test the feature, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Running the tests

How it works...

SpecFlow.NET first needs the feature files for the features we will be testing. SpecFlow.NET supports the Gherkin language for writing features.

In the step definition file, we must create a method for each step written in a feature file using the Given, When, and Then attributes. These methods can also take the parameter values specified in the steps using the arguments. Following is an example of entering the name of the payee:

[When(@"he enters ""(.*)"" as payee name")]
public void WhenUserEneteredIntoThePayeeNameField(string payeeName)

In this example, we are automating the "When he enters "Jim" as payee name" step. We used the When attribute and created a method: WhenUserEneteredIntoThePayeeNameField. This method will need the value of the payee name embedded in the step, which is extracted using the regular expression by the SpecFlow.NET. Inside the method, we are using an instance of the FundTransferPage class and calling its payeeNameField member's SendKeys() method, passing the name of the payee extracted from the step. Using the Page object helps in abstracting locator and page details from the step definition files, making it more manageable and easy to maintain.

SpecFlow.NET automatically generates the NUnit test code when the project is built. Using the Visual Studio Test Explorer and NUnit Test Adaptor for Visual Studio, these tests are executed and the features are validated.

See also

  • The Configuring Selenium WebDriver test development environment for Java with Eclipse and Maven in Chapter 1, Getting Started
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