Capturing screenshots of elements in the Selenium WebDriver

The TakesScreenshot interface captures the screenshot of the entire page, current window, visible portion of the page, or of the complete desktop window in their respective order as supported by the browser. It does not provide a way to capture an image of the specific element.

We can extend the screen capture functionality to capture images of WebElement using the Java Image API in addition to the TakesScreenshot interface.

In this recipe, we will implement a helper method to capture images of elements.

How to do it...

Let's implement the captureElementPicture() method to capture an image of WebElement. We will pass a WebElement instance to this method; the following code shows an example:

public static File captureElementPicture(WebElement element)
      throws Exception {

    // Get the WrapsDriver of the WebElement
    WrapsDriver wrapsDriver = (WrapsDriver) element;

    // Get the entire Screenshot from the driver of passed WebElement
    File screen = ((TakesScreenshot) wrapsDriver.getWrappedDriver())

    // Create an instance of Buffered Image from captured screenshot
    BufferedImage img =;

    // Get the Width and Height of the WebElement using getSize()
    int width = element.getSize().getWidth();
    int height = element.getSize().getHeight();

    // Create a rectangle using Width and Height
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(width, height);

    // Get the Location of WebElement in a Point.
    // This will provide X & Y co-ordinates of the WebElement
    Point p = element.getLocation();

    // Create image by for element using its location and size.
    // This will give image data specific to the WebElement
    BufferedImage dest = img.getSubimage(p.getX(), p.getY(), rect.width,

    // Write back the image data for element in File object
    ImageIO.write(dest, "png", screen);

    // Return the File object containing image data
    return screen;

How it works...

When the captureElementPicture() method is called with WebElement as an argument, it gets the underlying driver instance of the element using the WrapsDriver class. Then it captures the screenshot of the page displayed in the driver using the getScreenShotAs() method of the TakesScreenshot interface using the location and size of the element. We will crop the image of the element from the image of the entire page.

In the following example, the captureElementPicture() method is used to capture the image of a button element:

public void testElementScreenshot() {
  WebElement searchButton = driver.findElement("btnK"));
  try {
        new File("target/searchButton.png"));
  } catch (Exception e) {

See also

  • The Capturing screenshots with Selenium WebDriver recipe in Chapter 4, Working with Selenium API
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