Chapter 14. Testing Applications on Mobile Browsers

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Setting up Appium to test mobile applications
  • Testing mobile web applications on iOS using Appium
  • Testing mobile web applications on Android using Appium


With ever-increasing number of mobile users, the adoption of smartphones and tablet computers has increased significantly. Mobile apps have penetrated the consumer and enterprise markets, replacing desktops and laptops with smart devices. Small businesses and large scale enterprises has great potential to use the mobile platform as a channel to connect with users. Testing mobile apps have become crucial for the various mobile platforms available in the market. In this chapter, we will learn more about how to test mobile apps using Selenium WebDriver, more specifically, with Appium.

Appium is an open source mobile automation framework used to test mobile apps on iOS and Android platforms using the JSON wire protocol with Selenium WebDriver. Appium replaces the iPhoneDriver and AndroidDriver APIs in Selenium 2 that were used to test mobile web applications

Appium enables the use and extension of the existing Selenium WebDriver framework to build mobile tests. As it uses Selenium WebDriver to drive the tests, we can use any language to create tests for which a Selenium client library exists. Appium supports the testing of native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. In this chapter, we will see how to use Appium to test mobile web applications.

We will test a mobile web application developed using jQuery mobile on Android and iOS.

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