Finding elements using the findElements method

Selenium WebDriver provides the findElements() method, using which we can find more than one element matching the specified search criteria. This method is useful when we want to work with a group of similar elements. For example, we can get all the links displayed on a page, or get all rows from a table, and so on.

In this recipe, we will get all the links and print their targets by using the findElements() method.

How to do it...

Let's create a test that will get all the links from a page, verify the count of links, and print a target for each link, as follows:

public void testFindElements() {
    //Get all the links displayed on Page
    List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));

    //Verify there are four links displayed on the page
    assertEquals(4, links.size());

    //Iterate though the list of links and print
    //target for each link
    for(WebElement link : links) {

How it works...

The findElements() method returns all the elements matching the search criteria as a list of WebElements.

List<WebElement> links = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));

The size() method of the List will tell us how many elements are there in the list:

assertEquals(4, links.size());

We can iterate by using this list in the following way, getting a link and printing its target value:

for(WebElement link : links) {

See also

  • The Finding an element using the findElement method recipe
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