Working with IFRAME

Developers can also embed external documents or documents from another domain using the <iframe> tag, also known as inline frames. Various social media websites provide buttons that can be embedded in your web applications to link to these websites. For example, you can add a Twitter-follow button in your application, as follows:

<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>

Identifying and working with the <iframe> tag is similar to a frame that is created with the <frameset> tag. In this recipe, we will identify the <iframe> tag that is nested in another frame.

How to do it...

We will create a test on a sample page which embeds the <iframe> tag within a frame. We will move to the parent frame first and then to the <iframe> tag. The test will click the element within the <iframe> tag and operate on a pop-up window currently displayed. Finally, it will switch back to the main document. This is implemented as shown in the following code example:

public void testIFrame() {
  // Store the handle of current driver window
  String currentWindow = driver.getWindowHandle();

  // The frame on the right side has a nested iframe containing 'Twitter
  // Follow' Button
  // Activate the frame on right side using it's name attribute
  try {

    // Get the iframe element
    WebElement twitterFrame = 

    try {
      // Activate the iframe
      // Get and Click the follow button from iframe
      // a Popup Window will appear after click
      WebElement button = driver.findElement("follow-button"));;

      try {
        // The Twitter Popup does not have name or title.
        // Script will get handles of all open windows and
        // desired window will be activated by checking it's Title

        for (String windowId : driver.getWindowHandles()) {
          if (driver.getTitle().equals(
              "Unmesh Gundecha (@upgundecha) on Twitter")) {
            assertTrue("Twitter Login Popup Window Found", true);

      } finally {
        // Switch back to original driver window
    } finally {
      // switch back to Page from the frame

  } finally {
    // switch back to Page from the frame

How it works...

Working with IFRAME or inline frame is similar to working with a normal frame. In this example, the <iframe> element is located using the findElement() method by passing the tag:

WebElement twitterFrame = driver.findElement(By.tagName("iframe"));

To activate the frame, the driver.switchTo().frame() method is called by passing it an instance of the WebElement, as follows:


See also

  • The Identifying and handling frames recipe
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