Creating a data-driven test in Ruby using Roo

In the previous recipes, we saw parameterization with Java and .NET. Ruby has also been used widely to create Selenium WebDriver tests.

Again, Ruby does not have its own way to parameterize the script. However, we can use the Roo ( gem in Ruby to read spreadsheets. Roo supports multiple formats, as follows:

  • A locally stored Excel (.xls) file
  • A locally stored OpenOffice (.ods) file
  • An Excel file (.xls) stored in a Confluence wiki page with Confluence Office Connector
  • A Google Docs spreadsheet

Roo is a great alternative to the Ruby Excel COM WIN32 API, as it does not need Excel or OpenOffice installed on the machine. It reads both these files natively.

In this recipe, we will parameterize the Selenium WebDriver test created in Ruby bindings using an Excel spreadsheet as a test data source.

Getting ready

You need to install the Roo gem using the following command:

gem install roo

This command will download and install all the dependencies required for Roo on your machine.

How to do it...

Let's create a simple Ruby test for parameterization using the following steps. This test will read test data from the Excel spreadsheet used in the Reading test data from an Excel file using JUnit and Apache POI recipe earlier. Create a Ruby test by importing the following modules:

require 'rubygems'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'roo'

Then, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of WebDriver. We will use the Firefox browser, the following code shows you how:
    #Create an instance of WebDriver for Firefox
    driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
  2. Declare the following variables to print a summary of test combinations executed from the test data source:
    #Variables for Printing Test Summary
    test_executed = 0
    test_passed = 0
    test_failed = 0
  3. Create an instance of Excel class from Roo to read a spreadsheet:
    #Create an instance of a Excel Spreadsheet
    data ="C:\Data.xls")
    data.default_sheet = data.sheets.first
  4. Add the following code, which will iterate through the spreadsheet, reading each combination and then performing the operations and verifications:
    #Iterate through the Sheet reading Rows line by line
    data.first_row.upto(data.last_row) do |line|
      if data.cell(line,1) != "Height" #Ignore the first line for   Headers
          test_status = true
          test_executed = test_executed + 1
          puts "Test " + test_executed.to_s()
          driver.get ""
          height = driver.find_element :name => "heightCMS"
          height.send_keys data.cell(line,1).to_s()
          weight = driver.find_element :name => "weightKg"
          weight.send_keys  data.cell(line,2).to_s()
          calculateButton = driver.find_element :id =>"Calculate"

          bmi = driver.find_element :name =>"bmi"
          bmi_category = driver.find_element :name =>"bmi_category"
          if bmi.attribute("value").to_s() == data.cell(line,3).to_s()
            puts "Pass, expected value for BMI <" + data.cell(line,3).to_s() + ">, actual <" + bmi.attribute("value").to_s() + ">"
            puts "Fail, expected value for BMI <" + data.cell(line,3).to_s() + ">, actual <" + bmi.attribute("value").to_s() + ">"
          if bmi_category.attribute("value").to_s() == data.cell(line,4).to_s()
            puts "Pass, expected value for BMI Category <" + data.cell(line,4).to_s() + ">, actual <" +  bmi_category.        attribute("value").to_s() + ">"
            puts "Fail, expected value for BMI Category <" + data.cell(line,4).to_s() + ">, actual <" +  bmi_category.        attribute("value").to_s() + ">"
          if test_status
            test_passed = test_passed + 1
            test_failed = test_failed + 1
          puts "An error occurred: #{$!}"
  5. Finally, we will print a summary of test combinations that were executed and passed, or those that failed the test, using the following code:
    puts "--------------------------------------------"
    puts "Total (" + test_executed.to_s() + ") Tests Executed"
    puts "Total (" + test_passed.to_s() + ") Tests Passed"
    puts "Total (" + test_failed.to_s() + ") Tests Failed"

How it works...

When we execute this test, Roo will read the contents of the Excel spreadsheet into the data object, using the following code:

#Create an instance of a Excel Spreadsheet
data ="C:\Data.xls")
data.default_sheet = data.sheets.first

We can then iterate the data object from the first row to the last row using the following code:

data.first_row.upto(data.last_row) do |line|

This will copy the content from a row in a variable named line. The value from a data cell is accessed using the data.cell() method by passing the line and position of the cell, using the following code:

height = driver.find_element :name => "heightCMS"
height.send_keys data.cell(line,1).to_s()

We also added a custom reporting code that will generate a nicely formatted report at the end of the test execution, as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

There's more...

We can also read the Google Docs spreadsheets from Roo. This can be done using the method by passing the key for the Google Docs spreadsheet, as shown in the following command:

data ="0Al-3LZqhACsidFh1NmdnYktmTkREVEkzb3B0ZnYybHc")

If you want to use Google spreadsheets, you must either have set the environment variables to GOOGLE_MAIL and GOOGLE_PASSWORD or passed the Google-username and password to the Google#new method.

Many teams maintain Excel spreadsheets on Confluence Wiki. Using Roo, you can also read a spreadsheet stored on Confluence Wiki. For more information, visit the Roo home page at

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