Implementing the Page Object model in .NET

Similar to Java bindings, Selenium WebDriver provides the PageFactory class in .NET bindings to implement the Page Object model.

In this recipe, we will implement the Page Object model for the BMI Calculator page using the PageFactory class in C#.

Getting ready

We need to identify the locators that will be needed to locate the elements uniquely.

How to do it...

To implement Page Object model .NET, perform the following steps:

  1. Define a class for the Page Object model by creating a new C# class with the name of the page. In this example, we will create the page's object for the BMI Calculator application:
    using System;
    using OpenQA.Selenium;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
    using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.PageObjects;
    namespace PageFactoryTests
        public class BmiCalcPage
            static string Url = "";
            private static string Title = "BMI Calculator";
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "heightCMS")]
            private IWebElement HeightField;
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "weightKg")]
            private IWebElement WeightField;
            [FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "Calculate")]
            private IWebElement CalculateButton;
            [FindsBy(How = How.Name, Using = "bmi")]
            private IWebElement BmiField;
            [FindsBy(How = How.Name, Using = "bmi_category")]
            private IWebElement BmiCategoryField;
            private IWebDriver driver;
            public BmiCalcPage() {
                driver = new ChromeDriver(@"C:ChromeDriver");
                PageFactory.InitElements(driver, this);
            public void Load()
            public void Close()
            public bool IsLoaded
                get { return driver.Title.Equals(Title); }
            public void CalculateBmi(String height, String weight)
            public String Bmi
                get { return BmiField.GetAttribute("value"); }
            public String BmiCategory
                get { return BmiCategoryField.GetAttribute("value"); }
  2. Using the BmiCalcPage class, let's create a test for the calculation feature, as follows:
    using NUnit.Framework;
    namespace PageFactoryTests
        public class BmiCalcTests
            public void TestBmiCalculator()
                BmiCalcPage bmiCalcPage = new BmiCalcPage();
                bmiCalcPage.CalculateBmi("181", "80");
                Assert.AreEqual("24.4", bmiCalcPage.Bmi);
                Assert.AreEqual("Normal", bmiCalcPage.BmiCategory);

How it works...

In this example, the BmiCalcPage class provides various operations and properties from the BMI Calculator page to the test. The elements on the page are defined as instances of the IWebDriver interface with a FindsBy annotation, as follows:

[FindsBy(How = How.Id, Using = "heightCMS")]
private IWebElement HeightField;

When the page is initialized by the PageFactory.InitElements() method, these annotations are used to search the elements on the page.

The BmiCalcPage class implements methods to open and close the BMI Calculator page. This will provide a high level of abstraction to the test.

The BmiCalcPage class also implements the IsLoaded property, which will tell a test if the BMI Calculator page is loaded into the browser. This class also defines properties for the Bmi and BmiCategory fields, which provide values from these fields to test rather than complete access to the underlying elements, as follows:

public bool IsLoaded
    get { return driver.Title.Equals(Title); }

public String Bmi
    get { return BmiField.GetAttribute("value"); }

public String BmiCategory
    get { return BmiCategoryField.GetAttribute("value"); }

It also provides a CalculateBmi() method, which takes the height and weight as an argument and interacts with underlying elements to perform actions.

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