Implementing the Page Object model in Ruby using the page-object gem

While developing tests in Ruby, we can use the page-object gem to implement the Page Object model within the tests. The page-object gem provides simple features with which to build the objects of a Page Object, along with Watir WebDriver.

In this recipe, we will see how to use the page-object gem to implement the Page Object model for the BMI Calculator's main page.

Getting ready

You need to download and install the page-object gem with the help of the following command:

gem install page-object

How to do it...

To implement the Page Object model in Ruby using the page-object gem, perform the following steps:

  1. Define a class for the Page Object model by creating a Ruby script with the name of the page. In this example, we will be creating a Page Object model for the main page of the BMI Calculator application and including the page-object module:
    require 'page-object'
    class BmiCalcPage
        include PageObject
        text_field(:height, :id => 'heightCMS')
        text_field(:weight, :id => 'weightKg')
        button(:calculate, :value => 'Calculate')
        text_field(:bmi, :id => 'bmi')
        text_field(:bmi_category, :id => 'bmi_category')
        def calculate_bmi(height, weight)
            self.height = height
            self.weight = weight
        def open()
            @browser.get ''
  2. Using the object of the BmiCalcPage class, create a test for the calculation feature, as follows:
    require 'rubygems'
    require 'watir-webdriver'
    require 'test/unit'
    require_relative 'bmicalcpage.rb'
    class BmiCalcTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
        def test_bmi_calculation
            @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
            bmi_calc =
            assert_equal '24.4', bmi_calc.bmi
            assert_equal 'Normal', bmi_calc.bmi_category

How it works...

We can use the Page Object model implemented with the page-object gem by creating an instance of the BmiCalcPage class and passing the browser as an argument to the constructor. The rest of the magic is performed by the page-object gem.

While defining the elements, we need to specify the type of element and the locator, as follows:

text_field(:Height, :id => 'heightCMS')

The page-object gem adds a few more methods automatically to these objects at runtime. For example, we created an element for the Calculate button in the Page Object model, as follows:

button(:Calculate, :value => 'Calculate')

The page-object gem creates a method called calculate, which will click the Calculate button when called from the calculate_bmi() method, as follows:

def calculate_bmi(height, weight)
    self.height = height
    self.weight = weight

You can find more information about the page-object gem API at

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