Common problems faced

While building a project, there may not be many problems faced as it is mostly a development in software. Still, mistakes can happen in the ways described here.

In your code, do not declare a variable name or function name same as Python data type or Python prebuild function; for example, naming a function email(). This is not valid and can create a runtime error in the code. The same problem can occur when you set the Python script filename as a predefined Python function, for example,

While experimenting with gspread, try to write the script in the install library folder of gspread itself. Alternatively, you can play with Linux to make the function and the file available as an external location of the files. For example, we installed gspread using these commands:

git clone
cd gspread
python install

In the same gspread folder, write the Google spreadsheet data logging program. One of the most common issues with Python is the indentation of the code. Most errors happen while writing the loops. To understand the e-mail notification code better, just take a look at the snapshot of the code in the following screenshot. Ignore the . sign in the text. Closely look at the long hyphens before the lines. These hyphens show the number of tabs required to write the line.

Common problems faced

Other general errors include the Internet connection sharing your RasPi or login access to your Gmail. Sometimes, it may happen that you have added an extra layer of security to log in to your Gmail ID, which can prevent a second party from logging in to your e-mail. It is recommended to remove that security layer or make a cool and separate e-mail ID for your RasPi.

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