
In this chapter, we learnt about the evolution of web applications. We saw how well designed the Ember.js framework is. It tries to bring proven design principles and patterns into the realm of single page web applications. The framework lets you focus on building the core business logic of your application, as it takes care of everything else behind the scenes.

We learned about Ember CLI, and how it brings in a lot of tools and builds processes to solve most of the problems faced while developing and deploying an Ember.js application. We also learned how we can migrate an existing Ember.js application to Ember CLI, followed by how to access and run the code samples used in this book.

This chapter also gives a short description of the different layers of the Ember.js framework, and as we proceed through the chapters, we will get into the details of these components. We will see how effective and elegant Ember.js is in solving some of the most common and unique problems of single page web applications.

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