
I would like to thank my parents (Brij and Seema) and my sister, Charvi. This endeavor has been possible due to your guidance and encouragement. Thanks for believing in me.

I'd like to give special thanks my wife, Aastha, for her overwhelming support and encouragement throughout the course of writing this book. Thank you for being patient with me on countless weekends and late nights when I have been writing.

I would also like to thank all the editors of Packt Publishing, who have been really helpful, especially Harshit Jhaveri, for being a patient and professional mentor.

Last but not least, I would like to dedicate my book to my grandfather, the late Mr. Krishan Lal Vij. He has always been an inspiration in my life.

Gyanshakti-samaroodhah tattwamala vibhooshitah.

Bhukti-mukti-pradata cha tasmai Shri Gurave Namah.

My salutations to that glorious Gurudev, who is established in knowledge and power, is adorned with the garland of knowledge, and who grants both worldly prosperity and spiritual liberation.

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