Chapter 2. Knowing Your Data

In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:

  • Importing data from CSV
  • Importing data from Microsoft Excel files
  • Importing data from fixed-width data files
  • Importing data from tab-delimited files
  • Importing data from a JSON resource
  • Exporting data to JSON, CSV, and Excel
  • Importing and manipulating data with Pandas
  • Importing data from a database
  • Cleaning up data from outliers
  • Reading files in chunks
  • Reading streaming data sources
  • Importing image data into NumPy arrays
  • Generating controlled random datasets
  • Smoothing the noise in real-world data


This chapter covers basics about importing and exporting data from various formats. We first introduce how to import data by just using only the capabilities of the Python standard library; then we introduce the powerful Pandas library which is becoming the de facto standard in data manipulation in Python. Also we've covered the ways of cleaning data such as normalizing values, adding missing data, live data inspection, and usage of some similar tricks to get data correctly prepared for visualization.

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