Jinja2 loops

We can also loop through a list as well as a dictionary as we have completed in the last section; make the following changes in nxos.j2:

    {% for vlan_num in item.value.vlans %}
vlan {{ vlan_num }}
{% endfor %}

{% for vlan_interface in item.value.vlan_interfaces %}
interface {{ vlan_interface.int_num }}
ip address {{ vlan_interface.ip }}/24
{% endfor %}

Provide the additional list and dictionary variables in the playbook:

nexus_devices: {
"nx-osv-1": {
"hostname": "nx-osv-1",
"username": "cisco",
"password": "cisco",
"vlans": [100, 200, 300],
"vlan_interfaces": [
{"int_num": "100", "ip": ""},
{"int_num": "200", "ip": ""},
{"int_num": "300", "ip": ""}

Run the playbook, and you will see the configuration for both vlan and vlan_interfaces filled in on the router config.

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