Implementing access lists with Ansible

The easiest way to implement this access list would be to use Ansible. We have already looked at Ansible in the last two chapters, but it is worth repeating the advantages of using Ansible in this scenario:

  • Easier management: For a long access list, we are able to utilize the include statement to break the long access list into more manageable pieces. The smaller pieces can then be managed by other teams or service owners.
  • Idempotency: We can schedule the playbook at a regular interval and only the necessary changes will be made.
  • Each task is explicit: We can separate the construct of the entries as well as apply the access list to the proper interface.
  • Reusability: In the future, if we add additional external facing interfaces, we just need to add the device to the list of devices for the access list.
  • Extensible: You will notice that we can use the same playbook for constructing the access list and apply it to the right interface. We can start small and expand to separate playbooks in the future as needed.

The host file is pretty standard:

nx-osv-1 ansible_host= ansible_username=cisco ansible_password=cisco

We will declare the variables in the playbook for the time being:

- name: Configure Access List
hosts: "nxosv-devices"
gather_facts: false
connection: local

host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
username: "{{ ansible_username }}"
password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
transport: cli

To save space, we will illustrate denying the RFC 1918 space only. Implementing the denying of RFC 3030 and our own space will be identical to the steps used for the RFP 1918 space. Note that we did not deny in our playbook, because our configuration currently uses network for addressing. Of course, we perform the single host permit first and deny for completeness, but in this example, we just choose to omit it:

- nxos_acl:
name: border_inbound
seq: 20
action: deny
proto: tcp
dest: any
log: enable
state: present
provider: "{{ cli }}"
- nxos_acl:
name: border_inbound
seq: 40
action: permit
proto: tcp
src: any
dest_port_op: eq
dest_port1: 22
state: present
log: enable
provider: "{{ cli }}"
- nxos_acl:
name: border_inbound
seq: 50
action: permit
proto: tcp
src: any
dest_port_op: eq
dest_port1: 80
state: present
log: enable
provider: "{{ cli }}"
- nxos_acl:
name: border_inbound
seq: 60
action: permit
proto: tcp
src: any
dest: any
state: present
log: enable
established: enable
provider: "{{ cli }}"
- nxos_acl:
name: border_inbound
seq: 1000
action: deny
proto: ip
src: any
dest: any
state: present
log: enable
provider: "{{ cli }}"

Notice that we are allowing the established connection sourcing from the server inside to be allowed back in. We use the final explicit deny ip any any statement as a high sequence number (1000), so we can insert any new entries later on.

We can then apply the access list to the right interface:

- name: apply ingress acl to Ethernet 2/2
name: border_inbound
interface: Ethernet2/2
direction: ingress
state: present
provider: "{{ cli }}"
The access list on VIRL NX-OSv is only supported on the management interface. You will see this warning: Warning: ACL may not behave as expected since only management interface is supported. If you were to configure acl via CLI. This is okay for our lab, as our purpose is only to demonstrate the configuration automation of the access list.

This might seem to be a lot of work for a single access list. For an experienced engineer, using Ansible to do this task will take longer than just logging into the device and configuring the access list. However, remember that this playbook can be reused many times in the future, so it will save you time in the long run.

It is in my experience that many times for a long access list, a few entries will be for one service, a few entries will be for another, and so on. The access lists tend to grow organically over time, and it becomes very hard to keep track of the origin and purpose of each entry. The fact that we can break them apart makes management of a long access list much simpler.

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