Monitoring integration

As you start to migrate more devices toward OpenFlow, it becomes increasingly important to monitor the links. We discussed various monitoring tool options in Chapter 7, Network Monitoring with Python – Part 1 and Chapter 8, Network Monitoring with Python – Part 2. Next we can easily integrate monitoring for the migrated devices. We will show the built-in topology viewer that came with Ryu ( For easier demonstration, I have used the same Mininet topology we saw earlier in the chapter, but have changed the controller port back to 6633 in

net = Mininet( controller=RemoteController, switch=OVSKernelSwitch )
c1 = net.addController('c2', controller=RemoteController,
ip='', port=6633)

Launch the Mininet topology and the Gui Topology application:

# Mininet Topology
$ sudo python mastering_python_networking/Chapter13/

# Ryu Application
$ PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ryu run --observe-links ryu/app/gui_topology/

Point your browser to http://<ip>:8080 and you will be able to see the switch along with flow statistics, as shown here:

Gui Topology Viewer 1

For multi-device topology testing, you can launch the 8-switch reference topology in the reference example:

$ sudo mn --controller remote --topo tree,depth=3
*** Creating network
*** Adding controller
*** Adding hosts:
h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h7 h8
*** Adding switches:
s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7

You will be able to point to different devices, and drag and drop to move them around:

Gui Topology Viewer 2

The graph can be placed side-by-side with your existing monitoring tool or integrated into your existing monitoring tool. Let's talk about encrypting the message between the controller and the switch in the next section.

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