
In this chapter, we discussed the migration steps of implementing Software Defined Networking into your network. Using OpenFlow and the Ryu controller, that we have discussed in previous chapters, we put the knowledge we gained into practical use. We began with possible reasons for why you would NOT want to implement SDN and OpenFlow, and debunked them. Then we laid out the steps and strategies to prepare your network for SDN migration. We discussed greenfield deployment and controller redundancy. In the next section, we also gave two extensive BGP examples that would assist in the hybrid mode.
We then discussed monitoring of your SDN OpenFlow network, as well as securing the communication from switch to controller communication by using TLS encryption. The last section listed out three categories of physical OpenFlow switches that you can purchase today, from lab to commercial vendor equipment. Each of the categories has its own pros and cons. We also briefly saw examples of each category.
It is no doubt an exciting time to be a network engineer, or however the term will evolve in the future. You might be called a network programmer, network developer, or simply 'The Network Guy' in the ever changing field. What does not change is change itself, as well as the desire to have better, faster, more flexible network that will assist the business in achieving its goals. From one network engineer to another, I thank you for allowing me to take part in this journey with you. I hope I have provided some assistance to you with this book and the topics we have covered, and I humbly ask for your feedback, if any, to help me improve the future contents. Happy engineering!

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