The Internet Protocol (IP)

As network engineers would tell you, network engineers "live" at the IP layer, which is layer 3 on the OSI model. IP has the job of addressing and routing between end nodes, among others. The addressing of IP is probably its most important job. The address space is divided into two parts: the network and the host portion. The subnet mask indicated which portion in the address consist of the network and which is the host. Both IPv4, and later, IPv6 expresses the address in the dotted notation, for example The subnet mask can either be in a dotted notation ( or use a forward slash to express the number of bits that should be considered in the network bit (/24).

IPv4 Header (source:

The IPv6 header, next generation of IP header of IPv4, has a fixed portion and various extension headers.

IPv6 Fixed Header (source:

The Next Header field in the fixed header section can indicate an extension header to be followed that carries additional information. The extension headers can include routing and fragment information. As much as the protocol designer would like to move from IPv4 to IPv6, the internet today is still pretty much addressed with IPv4.

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