Python language overview

In a nutshell, this book is about making our lives easier with Python. But what is Python and why is it the language of choice by many DevOps engineers? In the words of the Python Foundation Executive Summary (

"Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level, built-in data structure, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, makes it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together. Python's simple, easy-to-learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance."

If you are somewhat new to programming, the object-oriented, dynamic semantics probably does not mean much to you. But I think we can all agree on Rapid application development, simple, and easy-to-learn syntax sounds like a good thing. Python as an interpreted language means there is no compilation process required, so the speed of write, test, and edit of the program process is greatly increased. For simple scripts, if your script fails, a few print statement is usually all you need to debug what was going on. Using the interpreter also means that Python is easily ported to different type of operating systems and Python program written on Windows can be used on Linux and Mac.

The object-oriented nature encourages code reuse by breaking into simple reusable form such modules and packages. In fact, all Python files are modules that can be reused or imported in another Python program. This makes it easy to share programs among engineers and encourage code reuse. Python also has a batteries included mantra, which means that for common tasks, you need not download any additional code. In order to achieve this without the code being too bloated, a set of standard libraries is installed when you install the Python interpreter. For common tasks such as regular expression, mathematics functions, and JSON decoding, all you need is the import statement, and the interpreter will move those functions into your program. This is what I would consider one of the killer features of the Python language.

Lastly, the fact that Python code can start in a relatively small-sized script with a few lines of code and grow into a fully production system is very handy for network engineers. As many of us know, the network typically grows organically without a master plan. A language that can grow with your network in size is invaluable. You might be surprised to see a language that was deemed as scripting language by many, which was being used for fully production systems (Organizations using Python,

If you have ever worked in an environment where you have to switch between working on different vendor platforms, such as Cisco IOS and Juniper Junos, you know how painful it is to switch between syntax and usage when trying to achieve the same task. With Python being flexible enough for large and small programs, there is no such context switching, because it is just Python.

For the rest of the chapter, we will take a high-level tour of the Python language for a bit of a refresher. If you are already familiar with the basics, feel free to quickly scan through it or skip the rest of the chapter.

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