The Cisco ACI

The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) is meant to provide a centralized approach to all of the network components. In the datacenter context, it means the centralized controller is aware of and manages the spine, leaf, top of rack switches as well as all the network service functions. This can be done through GUI, CLI, or API. Some might argue that the ACI is Cisco's answer to the broader software-defined networking.

One of the somewhat confusing point for ACI is the difference between ACI and ACI-EM. In short, ACI focuses on datacenter operations while ACI-EM focuses on enterprise modules. Both offer a centralized view and control of the network components, but each has it own focus and share of tools. For example, it is rare to see any major datacenter deploy customer facing wireless infrastructure, but wireless network is a crucial part of enterprises today. Another example would be the different approaches to network security. While security is important in any network, in the datacenter environment, lots of security policies are pushed to the edge node on the server for scalability; in enterprises security, policy is somewhat shared between the network devices and servers.

Unlike NETCONF RPC, ACI API follows the REST model to use the HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to specify the operation intended.

We can look at the file, which is a modified version of the Cisco sample code on (

The abbreviated section without comments and spaces are listed here.

The first function called getTicket() uses HTTPS POST on the controller with the path called /api/vi/ticket with a username and password embedded in the header. Then, parse the returned response for a ticket with some limited valid time:

  def getTicket():
url = "https://" + controller + "/api/v1/ticket"
payload = {"username":"usernae","password":"password"}
header = {"content-type": "application/json"}
response=,data=json.dumps(payload), headers=header, verify=False)
ticket = r_json["response"]["serviceTicket"]
return ticket

The second function then calls another path called /api/v1/network-devices with the newly acquired ticket embedded in the header, then parse the results:

  url = "https://" + controller + "/api/v1/network-device"
header = {"content-type": "application/json", "X-Auth-Token":ticket}

The output displays both the raw JSON response output as well as a parsed table. A partial output when executed against a DevNet lab controller is shown here:

    Network Devices =
"version": "1.0",
"response": [
"reachabilityStatus": "Unreachable",
"id": "8dbd8068-1091-4cde-8cf5-d1b58dc5c9c7",
"platformId": "WS-C2960C-8PC-L",
"lineCardId": null,
"family": "Wireless Controller",
"interfaceCount": "12",
"upTime": "497 days, 2:27:52.95"
8dbd8068-1091-4cde-8cf5-d1b58dc5c9c7 Cisco Catalyst 2960-C Series
cd6d9b24-839b-4d58-adfe-3fdf781e1782 Cisco 3500I Series Unified
Access Points
55450140-de19-47b5-ae80-bfd741b23fd9 Cisco 4400 Series Integrated
Services Routers
ae19cd21-1b26-4f58-8ccd-d265deabb6c3 Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN

As one can see, we only query a single controller device, but we are able to get a high-level view of all the network devices that the controller is aware of. The downside is, of course, the ACI controller only supports Cisco devices at this time.

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