Cracking WPA

With the failure of Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), a stopgap measure was introduced to enhance the security of these wireless networks without requiring a hardware replacement for systems currently using WEP. WPA could be implemented on these networks with a simple software and/or firmware upgrade to the existing infrastructure. WPA2, discussed later in this chapter, requires a hardware component as well. It is possible to run WPA on devices that support WPA2; however, the opposite is not always true.

WPA comes in two flavors, which are:

  • WPA Personal
  • WPA Enterprise

WPA Personal

WPA Personal, also called WPA Pre Shared Key (PSK), is the most common authentication method used on wireless networks today. It is the standard for residential implementations and SMBs have also found it easy to implement. The other flavor, known as WPA Enterprise, requires a RADIUS server on the network to authenticate the clients. Residential and small business tend to use WPA PSK, in part because of the administrative overhead of WPA Enterprise. Whereas WPA PSK uses a single shared key for authentication, TKIP is used to generate unique encryption keys whenever a client connects to the network. These per-session keys increase the security of the communication between the wireless client and the access point. In a typical WPA PSK setup, wireless administrators configure the WPA PSK key on each of the APs or on the controller and then distribute the key to employees in their organization. The key will remain the same for all the employees; there are some advantages and disadvantages in using this kind of solution.

With this type of implementation, it is difficult to keep the knowledge of the PSK from users. The key can be included in the image distributed to new laptops and trusted administrators can put it into devices that require manual input; however, if any one of the employees is able to learn what the PSK is, and is cooperating with external threats, the entire network is at risk. In addition, if any one of the devices that is configured with the key is compromised, the WPA PSK used on the network could also be determined. With the knowledge of the WPA PSK password, anyone can join the network, or capture the traffic and subsequently decrypt the information passing through the network. As we discussed earlier, an attacker only needs to be in range of the wireless network and know the encryption method to capture the traffic. An attacker who is only listening to the wireless traffic is very difficult to identify and this type of attack is typically not detected by traditional security defense mechanisms. These kinds of passive attacks are most difficult to detect and can remain undetected for years.

The minimum password length of the WPA PSK key is eight ASCII characters. We will discuss the steps involved in this authentication method in brief:

  1. Each user is given a password to authenticate to the network; those who have this password can access the network. The password, also called the Pre-shared Master Key (PMK), is the same for all the users.
  2. By using this master key, a transient, or temporal, key is generated between the client and AP for every new session. Pairwise Transient Keys (PTK) are used to encrypt the data and the key is valid until the session ends.

Even if the attacker has knowledge of the master key used in the network, they cannot decrypt the packets without calculating the temporal key. To determine the temporal key, the attacker will also need to capture the handshake between the wireless client and the access point during the initiation of a new session.

The following figure explains key aspects of the WPA PSK exchange:

WPA Personal

The PSK is vulnerable to a dictionary attack. To crack the WPA PSK key, a dictionary, or wordlist, is required and the captured traffic should also contain four-way handshake packets. During this exercise, we create a monitor mode interface using a compatible wireless card and then scan the air for available wireless networks. Once the target is identified and the required packets are captured, you can proceed to crack the WPA key. In this example, we use the default wordlist available in Kali Linux to crack the WPA PSK key. The following steps will show you how to capture the wireless traffic and then crack the WPA PSK key with aircrack-ng:

  1. Bring the card up and create a monitor mode interface on the wireless card.
    #ifconfig wlan0 up
    #airmon-ng start wlan0

    You should be able to see the following screen:

    WPA Personal
  2. Make sure the WLAN interface is up and running. Once confirmed, start airmon-ng to create a monitor mode interface by using the following command:
    #airmon-ng start wlan0
    WPA Personal
  3. Once you have created the monitor mode interface, scan the air for available wireless networks by using airodump-ng. airodump-ng will scan all the 14 channels in 2.4 Ghz frequency and show the list of wireless access points in range.
    #airodump-ng mon0
    WPA Personal

    From the following output, you can confirm that the wireless network with the name Seclab is using WPA PSK authentication. The access point with the MAC address 90:94:E4:C8:04:E8 is functioning on channel 9. Now you have all the required information to start capturing the four-way handshake.

    WPA Personal
  4. To increase the likelihood that you are able to capture the data that you are looking for, it is recommended that you identify the channel that the AP is communicating on and limit your radio to listen on that channel. The following command has been constructed to specify the name of the file to save the capture, channel to sniff, and finally the interface to use, which should be a monitor mode interface:
    WPA Personal

    Here are the airodump-ng options in use in this example:


    Specifies the channel to sniff


    Specifies the file to save the captured data

  5. Once a client connects to the wireless network, airodump-ng is looking to capture the four-way handshake. After the capture of this handshake is complete, we are able to see this indicated in the airodump-ng output at the top-right corner, as seen in the following screenshot:
    WPA Personal
  6. After capturing the four-way handshake, it is now time to crack the key using a wordlist. Kali Linux contains a default wordlist. Use aircrack-ng to crack the key using that dictionary.
    #aircrack-ng labfiles/wpacrack/wpa-Seclab-01.cap –w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

    You should be able to see the following output:

    WPA Personal

    The following screenshot shows that aircrack-ng is successful in cracking the WPA PSK key. The key is shown in plain text.

    WPA Personal

As was indicated earlier, the process of cracking a WPA PSK is accomplished by a dictionary attack. If the PSK is complicated or does not appear in the dictionary file that you have selected, the brute force method is used. If your initial attempt to crack the WPA PSK fails, you can look at alternatives. One such alternative that can potentially speed up the process of cracking is rainbow tables. Whether you use rainbow tables or just a dictionary, the chance of cracking depends on the presence of password in the dictionary used.

Later in this section, we will discuss how to generate rainbow tables to fasten the process of cracking. With knowledge of the WPA key, the attacker can now join the network and perform advanced attacks against the target. Passive attacks can also be performed, typically without arousing any suspicion. The attacker can silently capture the traffic and decrypt the data using the key, and extract sensitive information such as usernames and passwords.

Cracking WPA2

Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) is a full implementation of the IEEE 802.11i standard. As with WPA, it is available in two flavors: WPA2 Personal and WPA2 Enterprise. WPA2 PSK uses a passphrase as a method of authentication whereas WPA2 Enterprise uses a RADIUS server to authenticate users. WPA2 uses the Advanced Encryption Standard encryption protocol (WPA2-AES). It is stronger than both of the protocols discussed earlier, WPA and WEP, thus it is recommended to use WPA2 in place of WPA and WEP where it is supported by the hardware and software applications.

Even with the increased encryption available with WPA2 PSK, it is still vulnerable to a dictionary attack. In this section, we will show you how to capture the wireless traffic using airodump-ng and crack the key using aircrack-ng.

To prepare the wireless card for capturing the wireless traffic, put the card in monitor mode. Capture the four-way handshake when any wireless clients, like laptops or mobile devices, connect to the wireless network. You may need to wait for some time to accomplish this task. As with WPA PSK, a couple of activities will allow you to capture this handshake. Either wait until a legitimate client connects to the network or forcibly disconnect any wireless client that is already connected to the network and watch as the client tries to connect again with the network. Either of these should allow you to capture the handshake required for an attempt break the PSK. Once the four-way handshake is captured, you can again proceed to crack the WPA2 PSK key with aircrack-ng.

After identifying the wireless network through scanning activity, the attack plan is to sniff on the channel on which the access point is communicating. Whenever a wireless client connects to the wireless access point with the WPA2 PSK password, the attacker sniffing on the channel will capture the four-way handshake that took place between the wireless client and access point. Captured wireless traffic is used to crack the key by using aircrack-ng. aircrack-ng takes two parameters: one is the wireless traffic in a pcap format that should contain a valid handshake packet, and the second parameter is the wordlist. It checks for each and every word in the list and presents us the WPA2 key if, and only if, it is found in the wordlist; the chance of cracking the key is as good as the size and strength of the words you use in the wordlist. Preparing the wordlist in the context of the target network can yield better results.

Follow the following steps to crack the WPA2 PSK key:

  1. Bring the card up and create a monitor mode interface on the wireless card.
    #ifconfig wlan0 up

    The following output shows us that the wireless interface is up and running:

    Cracking WPA2
  2. Create a monitor mode interface of the wireless card, by running the following command:
    #airmon-ng start wlan0
    Cracking WPA2
  3. Once you create the monitor mode interface, scan the air for available wireless networks. airodump-ng will scan all the 14 channels in 2.4 Ghz frequency and shows the list of wireless access points in range.
    #airodump-ng mon0
    Cracking WPA2

    You should be able to see the following output, as a result:

    Cracking WPA2
  4. From the output, you can observe that the wireless network named Seclab with WPA2PSK authentication is functioning on channel 9. Proceed by sniffing specifically on channel 9 looking to capture a handshake. To start capturing traffic on channel 9, use airodump-ng with the following command:
    #airodump-ng mon0 –c 9 –w labfiles/wpacrack/wpa2-Seclab

    The various airodump-ng options can be summarized in the following table:


    Specifies the channel to sniff


    Specifies the file to save the captured data

  5. As soon as a wireless client shows up in the network, airodump-ng will capture the handshake and the display will indicate in the top-right corner when we have successfully captured a four-way handshake, as seen in the following screenshot:
    Cracking WPA2
  6. Use aircrack-ng to crack the key by supplying the wordlist. Here we use the default wordlist provided in Kali Linux.
    #aircrack-ng labfiles/wpacrack/wpa2-Seclab-01.cap –w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
    Cracking WPA2

    The following output shows that aircrack-ng is successful in cracking the key. The key is shown in plain text. You can speed up the process of cracking using rainbow tables.

    Cracking WPA2

Generating rainbow tables

During the process of cracking WPA/WPA2 PSK, a Pairwise Master Key is derived from ESSID and the password, which is then used to calculate Pairwise Transient Key; this is again used to calculate the MIC (Message Integrity Code) value for the initial handshake process. If the generated MIC equals the MIC in the original handshake, then we can infer that the password used to generate the PMK is the correct password used on the network. PMK is never shared over the network, it is calculated using the passphrase configured on the client. The access point also derives the same PMK using the passphrase configured on it. To generate the PMK by using the passphrase, the following formula is used:

PMK = PBKDF2(PassPhrase, ssid, ssidLength, 4096, 256)

The PBKDF2 algorithm is used to generate the PMK, taking the SSID and passphrase as input. For example, the PMK in hexadecimal can be seen next for the SSID packt and passphrase password. This hexadecimal key is used to derive PTK.

HEX KEY: bdc69337120db5e30e0da46cbbc2a3b29bd59f9edfbbc1713c448f0aa0cf8cd7

PTK is derived on the fly using a four-way handshake process and is used for encrypting the data. The PMK is never used to encrypt the data directly, only to derive the PTK for every session. A new PTK is generated for every session between the client and the access point. Thus, no two sessions will have the same PTK key. Although cracking WPA/WPA2 and generating PMK values from the wordlist for the target SSID takes up so much CPU resources and time, generating PMKs for the target network beforehand can speed up the process of cracking the WPA/WPA2 key.

We will discuss how to generate rainbow tables using airolib-ng, genpmk, and use the tables while cracking the WPA/WPA2 key.

Generating rainbow tables using genpmk

To generate rainbow tables, we require the target network SSID and wordlist. Follow these steps:

Use the following command to generate a rainbow table for the SSID Seclab by using the default wordlist available in Kali Linux:

#genpmk –f /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt –d  /root/labfiles/wpacrack/genpmk-hash-Seclab2 –s Seclab

Let's see what each term in the preceding command represents:


Specifies the wordlist (dictionary)


Specifies the database filename to be created


Specifies the SSID

Let's look at genpmk options:

Generating rainbow tables using genpmk

genpmk takes some time to generate the PMK table depending on various factors like CPU resources, architecture, and so on. The following screenshot shows that genpmk is calculating PMK for every password in the list:

Generating rainbow tables using genpmk

Once the rainbow tables are ready, you can use it in the cracking process to decrease the time required to crack the key. We will use the generated rainbow table along with an application called coWPAtty to crack the WPA/WPA2 key.

coWPAtty can be used to crack WPA/WPA2 PSK keys with a dictionary, or wordlist, file. It can also be used along with a provided rainbow table generated using genpmk.

To crack the key with the help of rainbow tables, run the following command:

#cowpatty –d labfiles/wpacrack/genpmk-hash-Seclab –r labfiles/wpacrack/ilovehate-01.cap –s Secclab

Let's look at the coWPAtty options:


Specifies the rainbow table to use


Specifies the capture file containing the four-way handshake


Specifies the SSID

The following screenshot shows the detailed available options in coWPAtty:

Generating rainbow tables using genpmk

It took us about 6.33 seconds to crack the key. In this example, coWPAtty tries 140,000 passwords per second to crack the key. The output shows that coWPAtty is successful in cracking the WPA key. The correct WPA PSK password is ilovehate2. If tested without rainbow tables, we may not get the exact count of passphrases tested per second and it will always be lower.

Generating rainbow tables using genpmk

Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng

To generate rainbow tables using airolib-ng, you need to know the target network SSID and have a good dictionary file. Rainbow tables generated for a specific SSID, say Seclab, cannot be used to crack the key of a network with the SSID nolab. The generated hashes will only be correct if the exact SSID of the target is used to generate them.

Rainbow tables have to be generated for each target SSIDs we need to pentest. To generate the rainbow tables, follow these steps:

  1. airolib-ng is the tool used to generate rainbow tables. We first create a new text file and put our target SSID in it. The SSID is Seclab.
  2. We then create a database named seclab in airolib-ng and push the SSID inside the database by using the following command:
    #airolib-ng seclab –import essid /root/labfiles/wpacrack/ssid
    Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng
  3. Import the password dictionary into the database seclab. Use the following command to achieve that:
    #airolib-ng seclab –import passwd /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
    Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng

    You can check the statistics of the newly created database. The next screenshot shows that there are 1 ESSID and 9,611,374 passwords dumped into the database. The actual work of airolib-ng is to generate the PMK table from these SSID and passwords in its database.

    Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng
  4. To generate the hashes, type the following command:
    #airolib-ng seclab –batch

    Once you start airolib-ng with the –batch option, it will take some time to calculate the hashes; it depends on various factors like CPU, power, and available hardware. It is a time-consuming process, as you can see in the following screenshot:

    Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng
  5. Once generated, you can verify the consistency of the generated hashes using the –verify switch. Run the next command:
    Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng

    After generating rainbow tables, we can use them with aircrack-ng to crack the WPA/WPA2 key. Here we use rainbow tables generated by using airolib-ng like before.

  6. Now run the following command:
    #aircrack-ng labfiles/wpacrack/ilovehate-01.cap –r seclab

    As you can see in the following screenshot, the -r switch specifies the database (rainbow table) generated by airolib-ng:

    Generating rainbow tables using airolib-ng

It took about 11 seconds to crack the key. Aircrack-ng tried 75,000 passwords per second to crack the key. The number of passwords tested per second depends on various factors, but using rainbow tables certainly speeds up the process.

Cracking WPS

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is a wireless security protocol designed to allow users to simply secure wireless networks and reduce the complexity of adding new hosts. It is typically used on residential networks where technical expertise is often limited and simplicity is mandatory. The on boarding process leverage a PIN, which is either obtained from the AP's configuration interface, or may also be printed on a table affixed to the AP. It may also be associated with a button press that enables the device to begin the onboarding process.

It was discovered in 2011 that the WPS PIN feature is vulnerable to a brute force attack where an attacker is able to recover the WPA/WPA2 key on the device. Although this attack is not possible on all access points, it can be a successful means of attack on most access points and routers with older firmware. A firmware update on the device can mitigate this attack; however, as discussed earlier, it is common for these devices to go without patches or updates for long periods of time.

In this section, we will show you how to crack the WPS PIN using a tool called reaver. Follow the following steps to crack the WPS PIN:

  1. Bring the wireless card up and create a monitor mode interface on the wireless card.
    #ifconfig wlan0 up
    #airmon-ng start wlan0

    You should be able to see the following screen:

    Cracking WPS
  2. We will be using Reaver, a tool included on the Kali distribution, to crack the WPS PIN. Reaver is a tool designed exclusively to brute force the WPS PIN authentication. If it is able to discover the PIN, it then proceeds to display the WPA/WPA2 PSK password on the router to the attacker automatically. Because of the brute force nature of this attack, it can often take a significant amount of time to successfully recover the WPS PIN, and hence the PSK using this method.

    The following figure shows the successful creation of the monitor mode interface:

    Cracking WPS
  3. Scan the air for available wireless networks using the monitor mode interface. airodump-ng will scan all the 14 channels in 2.4 Ghz frequency and shows the list of wireless access points in range. In the following output, we can see our access point named Seclab with WPA2 PSK authentication enabled. The access point is functioning on channel 9.
    #airodump-ng mon0

    You should be able to see the following result:

    Cracking WPS
  4. Our challenge is to use Reaver to brute force the WPS PIN and retrieve the WPA/WPA2 PSK key that is preconfigured on the device. Now we run Reaver against the access point by using the following command:
    #reaver –i mon0 –b 90:94:e4:c8:04:e8 –c 10 –vv

Let's look at what each term signifies:


Specifies the interface to use


The MAC address of the wireless access point


The channel to listen


Verbatim mode, which displays additional information about what is happening

The following output shows that Reaver is trying to brute force the WPS PIN with random combinations of eight-digit PINs:

Cracking WPS

Once the correct eight-digit PIN is supplied to the wireless access point, it will give us the WPA/WPA2 PSK key in plain text. We can see Reaver trying different combinations of the WPS PIN like in the following screenshot:

Cracking WPS

In the preceding example, this attack was successful, but keep in mind that many vendors have released firmware updates to address this exploit. On success, the preceding command shows us the WPA PSK key in plain text. In this case, it is ilovehate2.

Cracking WPS

Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

WPA Enterprise and WPA2 Enterprise use 802.1x, a port-based authentication protocol, to authenticate users. It leverages a centralized authentication server to authenticate the users, devices, or both. Only after authentication are the user and device allowed to access the resources on the network. To prevent access before the authentication succeeds, only Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPOL) traffic is allowed until the client is successfully authenticated.

The three components in 802.1x authentication are supplicant (wireless client), authenticator (access point), and authentication server (RADIUS). The flow can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. The initial communication between supplicant and authenticator is done through EAPOL messages.
  2. The authenticator encapsulates these messages in the RADIUS protocol to communicate with the authentication server. It is up to the authentication server to allow or deny the user to log on to the network.
  3. Typically, the RADIUS server will be configured to look at active directory, or other centralized databases, to authenticate the users.
  4. EAP-Request Identity and EAP-Response Identity frames are exchanged between supplicant and authenticator. In the backend, the authenticator encapsulates the messages in RADIUS Access-Request packets and sends it to the authentication server.
  5. On final arrival of the RADIUS Access-Accept packet from the authentication server, the authenticator sets the port to an authorized state and allows the client to send normal traffic over that port.
  6. If the authentication is not successful, the port remains in an unauthorized state and non-EAP traffic is not allowed.

We have just seen how the supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server work together to authenticate the users before joining the network. In this scenario, if the supplicant is not properly configured then there is a chance of compromising the credentials used by the supplicant.

The following figure depicts a normal exchange during an 802.1x client to authenticate to the wireless network:

Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

In a normal flow, the supplicant authenticates the authentication server based on the certificates. The authentication server offers a certificate that is validated by the supplicant to see if it is trusted. In this attack scenario, the attacker attempts to offer a fake certificate to the supplicant and asks for the credentials. Normally, this forged certificate should be rejected by the supplicant and the authentication process halted; however, in many of the supplicants, the default configuration allows it to accept any certificate from an authentication server and to proceed with sending the user credentials. This behavior provides a situation where an attacker is allowed to set up a fake RADIUS server and collect the artifacts required to get the credentials.

In this section, we will set up a RADIUS server on our pentesting host machine and a fake access point using hostapd. When any wireless client attempts to authenticate with our wireless access point, we end up gathering MSCHAP challenge and response. Later, an offline dictionary attack can be mounted against the gathered challenge and response using asleap.

To begin, we will configure a WPA Enterprise wireless network that uses 802.1x for authentication. This network will be hosted on an AP that we configure in parallel to the network that we are attempting to infiltrate. Since 802.1x requires a RADIUS server for authentication, we will be using a special RADIUS server that is specifically modified to accept any authentication attempts from connecting clients. By using the captured MSCHAP data, we try to crack the Windows domain credentials using asleap. This attack is successful against Enterprise wireless clients only if the clients are not properly configured.

To perform the attack, you should use a wireless adapter capable of supporting master mode. This allows the adapter to be configured to impersonate an access point and have other clients connect to it. This procedure is used in several places in this book.

  1. Bring the wireless card up and assign the IP address to the wireless interface.
    #ifconfig wlan1 up
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  2. Use a text editor and add the following content into a file to be used with dhcpd:
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

    The preceding configuration file creates a pool of IP addresses from through to be used for connecting clients. The gateway address is defined as, the IP address of the wireless interface wlan1 on the attacker machine. DNS servers are set up as the attacker machine as primary, and public DNS servers as secondaries, in the event we are not attempting to manipulate any DNS responses during the attack.

  3. The next step is to forward the traffic from the wireless interface wlan1 to the wired interface eth0 where Internet connectivity is available. To do this, we run a script,, in the attacker machine.
    #sh labfiles/fakeap-1/hostap/
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

    The content of the iptables configuration looks like the following screenshot:

    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  4. Using the DHCP configuration created in Step 2, enable the DHCP server on this interface to assign IP addresses to wireless clients by running the following command:
    #dhcpd –cf labfiles/fakeap-1/hostap/dhcp.conf wlan1
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

    We need a RADIUS server to authenticate the users; FreeRADIUS can be installed on Kali Linux to act as a RADIUS server. A patched version of FreeRADIUS designed to accept any authentication attempt is available as FreeRADIUS-WPE (Wireless Pwnage Edition). This edition will simplify the collection of credentials users send as part of their authentication attempt to our access point.

    Configure the server according to our situation. The scenario here is that we create a virtual access point on the interface wlan1 ( with 802.1x security; simultaneously, we create a RADIUS server on the interface eth0 ( Whenever a wireless client connects to our virtual access point, the request is forwarded to the RADIUS server on the eth0 interface. If the client authenticates successfully then it is allowed through the virtual access point.

  5. Now it is time to configure the freeradius client configuration file. Open the clients.conf file located at the /etc/freeradius directory. Add the following lines to this file:
    client {  Secret  = testing123
            Shortname = private-network-2

    Secret is set to testing123, which is a shared key between the authenticator (the access point) and server.

  6. Edit the users file located at /etc/freeradius to add the user test. Using the following format:
    test Cleartext-Password := "test"

    You will now get the following output:

    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  7. Edit the eap.conf file located at /etc/freeradius to make the default EAP type to PEAP.


    Make sure it has the line default_eap_type = peap .

    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  8. Edit the radius.conf file located at /etc/freeradius to reflect the following content:
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  9. When the configuration files are ready, set up the RADIUS server on the wired interface eth0. The –i option tells the RADIUS server the interface to listen on and the –p option specifies the port to listen.
     #freeradius –i –p 1812 -X
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

    The following output shows that the RADIUS server is listening on at port 1812 ready to serve requests from wireless clients:

    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  10. Now that RADIUS is in place to authenticate clients, we will create our impersonated access point to serve clients and listen for their authentication requests. We will be creating an Enterprise wireless access point with the help of hostapd. The configuration file used by hostapd is located in the /etc/hostapd/ directory.

    The following is the content in the configuration file. Use it as the configuration file with hostapd:

    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  11. Now run the hostapd to broadcast our fake access point. Run the following command:
    #hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd-8021x.conf –dd
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

    Once any client connects to the network Seclab, it will be assigned the IP address from the DHCP program running on the attacker machine. The client will attempt to initiate the 802.1x process to authenticate their connection and will send their credentials through to the RADIUS server we configured. The RADIUS server will provide an Access-Accept to the access point allowing the user to connect. During this process, we will collect the Challenge and Response information from the connecting client. Once collected challenge and response, we can crack the windows password using asleap, which is already available in Kali Linux.

  12. We can view the details of the connecting clients from the FreeRADIUS-WPE log file.
    #tail –f /var/log/freeradius/freeradius-server-wpe.log
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  13. With this captured challenge/response information, we can run asleap with the following command to crack the Windows credentials. In this example, we will use the built-in wordlist.
    #asleap –C ee:42:ba:e4:d4:83:c9:c1 –R 20:59:27:00:0f:8a:3a:b8:bf:4a:ff:f0:1b:dd:db:53:27:c7:f4:18:2a:ac:ef:0b –W /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Take a look at the usage options:


Specify the challenge


Specify the response


Specify the dictionary

The following are the complete list of options available in asleap:

Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

The following output shows that asleap is able to crack the Windows password successfully using the dictionary available in Kali Linux. Here, the chance of cracking the password is as good as the dictionary supplied to asleap:

Cracking 802.1x using hostapd

By performing this attack on Enterprise wireless clients, the attacker can determine the Windows domain credentials of Enterprise users. With the domain credentials obtained, they are now able to authenticate to the legitimate Enterprise network with the privilege level of the captured credentials. With this level of access, additional attacks, including man in the middle attacks, are possible. These will be discussed in later chapters.

We will also discuss a slight variation of this attack. In the previous example, we had used a wireless card to emulate an access point and configured a WPA Enterprise network. Sometimes during a pentest, it may be difficult to use a wireless card for this functionality and an actual access point may be a better option. Here, we will configure a real access point to connect to our RADIUS server running on our laptop; in that way, we can remove the virtual access point used in the earlier attack.

We set up a FreeRADIUS server in Kali Linux (attacker machine) as the RADIUS server to authenticate wireless clients. Follow these steps:

  1. Set up the wireless router to use our RADIUS server on a Kali machine with the IP Enter the username and password of the administrator to enter into the router.
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  2. Go to the Wireless Settings tab on your router (the name may differ from router to router) to change the security mode to WPA Enterprise or Enterprise EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol).
  3. Provide the RADIUS server IP address as your Kali Linux machine IP ( Configure the RADIUS port to 1812 and provide the shared secret as testing123.
  4. Apply these configuration changes. Often this will also require that the router be rebooted.
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd


    If your Kali machine is not getting the IP address in the same subnet as the router, check that your machine is bridged to the host operating system where the router is connected.

  5. Start the FreeRADIUS server with the –i option specifying the IP address and the –p option specifying the port to listen. Before starting the server, check that your configuration files are properly configured. The FreeRADIUS server should be installed prior to this step.
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  6. Check that clients.conf in the /etc/freeradius directory has the following lines. If not, paste the same into the file:
    Client {
            Secret  = testing123
            Shortname = private-network-2
  7. Check that the users file in the /etc/freeradius directory has the following line. If not found, paste it into the file:
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  8. Check that the eap.conf in the /etc/freeradius directory has the following line:
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  9. Check that the radiusd.conf file in /etc/freeradius has the following changes made:
    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
  10. When any wireless clients connect to our impersonated Enterprise network, the configured router sends the authentication request to the RADIUS server running on Kali (attacker machine). The RADIUS server logs the challenge and response from the connecting client and issues an Access-Accept back to the router. Here in this scenario, we have configured only one user named test. To allow a specific user whose password are already known, add them to users file located in /etc/freeradius directory.

    The following screenshot is the output from the FreeRADIUS server; we can see Radius Access-Accept messages indicating a successful authentication of the client:

    Cracking 802.1x using hostapd
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