Rating system

Each user (when logged in) can rate movies simply by clicking on the rate value (1 to 5) at the side of the movie title in the movies' results page (see preceding screenshot). This action will trigger the rate_movie function in the views.py file (through the corresponding URL in urls.py):

def rate_movie(request):
    data = request.GET
    rate = data.get("vote")
    movies,moviesindxs = zip(*literal_eval(data.get("movies")))
    movie = data.get("movie")
    movieindx = int(data.get("movieindx"))
    #save movie rate
    userprofile = None
    if request.user.is_superuser:
        return render_to_response(
            'books_recsys_app/superusersignin.html', RequestContext(request))
    elif request.user.is_authenticated() :
        userprofile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
        return render_to_response(
            'books_recsys_app/pleasesignin.html', RequestContext(request))
    if MovieRated.objects.filter(movie=movie).filter(user=userprofile).exists():
        mr = MovieRated.objects.get(movie=movie,user=userprofile)
        mr.value = int(rate)
        mr = MovieRated()
        mr.user = userprofile
        mr.value = int(rate)
        mr.movie = movie
        mr.movieindx = movieindx
    #get back the remaining movies
    movies = RemoveFromList(movies,movie)
    moviesindxs = RemoveFromList(moviesindxs,movieindx)
    print movies
    context = {}
    context["movies"] = zip(movies,moviesindxs)
    context["rates"] = [1,2,3,4,5]
    return render_to_response(
          RequestContext(request, context))

The function will store the rate of the movie in an object of the MovieRated model, and the corresponding movies rate vector of the user is updated (through the userprofile.save()). The movies not rated are then sent back to the page query_results.html. Note that the user needs to be logged in to rate a movie or the exception event that will ask the user to sign in will be shown (page: pleasesignin.html).

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