Chapter 3. Supervised Machine Learning

In this chapter, the most relevant regression and classification techniques are discussed. All of these algorithms share the same background procedure, and usually the name of the algorithm refers to both a classification and a regression method. The linear regression algorithms, Naive Bayes, decision tree, and support vector machine are going to be discussed in the following sections. To understand how to employ the techniques, a classification and a regression problem will be solved using the mentioned methods. Essentially, a labeled train dataset will be used to train the models, which means to find the values of the parameters, as we discussed in the introduction. As usual, the code is available in my GitHub folder at

We will conclude the chapter with an extra algorithm that may be used for classification, although it is not specifically designed for this purpose (hidden Markov model). We will now begin to explain the general causes of error in the methods when predicting the true labels associated with a dataset.

Model error estimation

We said that the trained model is used to predict the labels of new data, and the quality of the prediction depends on the ability of the model to generalize, that is, the correct prediction of cases not present in the trained data. This is a well-known problem in literature and related to two concepts: bias and variance of the outputs.

The bias is the error due to a wrong assumption in the algorithm. Given a point x(t) with label yt, the model is biased if it is trained with different training sets, and the predicted label ytpred will always be different from yt. The variance error instead refers to the different, wrongly predicted labels of the given point x(t). A classic example to explain the concepts is to consider a circle with the true value at the center (true label), as shown in the following figure. The closer the predicted labels are to the center, the more unbiased the model and the lower the variance (top left in the following figure). The other three cases are also shown here:

Model error estimation

Variance and bias example.

A model with low variance and low bias errors will have the predicted labels that is blue dots (as show in the preceding figure) concentrated on the red center (true label). The high bias error occurs when the predictions are far away from the true label, while high variance appears when the predictions are in a wide range of values.

We have already seen that labels can be continuous or discrete, corresponding to regression classification problems respectively. Most of the models are suitable for solving both problems, and we are going to use word regression and classification referring to the same model. More formally, given a set of N data points and corresponding labels Model error estimation, a model with a set of parameters Model error estimation with the true parameter values Model error estimation will have the mean square error (MSE), equal to:

Model error estimation

We will use the MSE as a measure to evaluate the methods discussed in this chapter. Now we will start describing the generalized linear methods.

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