Node.js event loop – easy to learn and hard to master

We all know that Node.js is a platform that runs applications in a single-threaded way; so, why don't we use multiple threads to run applications so that we can get the benefit of multicore processors?

Node.js is built upon a library called libuv. This library abstracts the system calls, providing an asynchronous interface to the program that uses it.

I come from a very heavy Java background, and there, everything is synchronous (unless you are coding with some sort of non-blocking libraries), and if you issue a request to the database, the thread is blocked and resumed once the database replies with the data.

This usually works fine, but it presents an interesting problem: a blocked thread is consuming resources that could be used to serve other requests. The event loop of Node.js is shown in the following figure:

Node.js event loop – easy to learn and hard to master

This is the Node.js event loop diagram

JavaScript is, by default, an event-driven language. It executes the program that configures a list of event handlers that will react to given events, and after that, it just waits for the action to take place.

Let's take a look at a very familiar example:

<div id="target">
  Click here
<div id="other">
  Trigger the handler

Then the JavaScript code is as follows:

$( "#target" ).click(function() {
  alert( "Handler for .click() called." );

As you can see, this is a very simple example. HTML that shows a button and snippet of JavaScript code that, using JQuery, shows an alert box when the button is clicked.

This is the key: when the button is clicked.

Clicking a button is an event, and the event is processed through the event loop of JavaScript using a handler specified in the JavaScript.

At the end of the day, we only have one thread executing the events, and we never talk about parallelism in JavaScript, the correct word is concurrency. So, being more concise, we can say that Node.js programs are highly concurrent.

Your application will always be executed in only one thread, and we need to keep that in mind while coding.

If you have been working in Java or .NET or any other language/frameworks designed and implemented with thread-blocking techniques, you might have observed that Tomcat, when running an application, spawns a number of threads listening to the requests.

In the Java world, each of these threads are called workers, and they are responsible to handle the request from a given user from the beginning to the end. There is one type of data structure in Java that takes the benefit of it. It is called ThreadLocal and it stores the data in the local thread so that it can be recovered later on. This type of storage is possible because the thread that starts the request is also responsible to finish it, and if the thread is executing any blocking operation (such as reading a file or accessing a database), it will wait until it is completed.

This is usually not a big deal, but when your software relies heavily on I/O, the problems can become serious.

Another big point in favor of the non-blocking model of Node.js is the lack of context switch.

When the CPU switches one thread with another, what happens is that all the data in the registers, and other areas of the memory, is stacked and allows the CPU to switch the context with a new process that has its own data to be placed in there, as shown in the following image:

Node.js event loop – easy to learn and hard to master

This is a diagram showing context switching in threads from the theoretical point of view.

This operation takes time, and this time is not used by the application. It simply gets lost. In Node.js, your application runs in only one thread, so there is no such context switching while running (it is still present in the background, but hidden to your program). In the following image, we can see what happens in the real world when a CPU switches a thread:

Node.js event loop – easy to learn and hard to master

This is a diagram showing context switching in threads from the practical (shows the dead times) point of view.

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