Wireshark user interface

The Wireshark main window appears when Wireshark starts capturing a packet, or when a .pcap file is open for offline viewing. It looks similar to the following screenshot:

Wireshark user interface

The Wireshark UI interface consists of different panes and provides various options to the user for customizing it. In this chapter, we will cover these panes in detail:


What is it?

The red box

This shows that Wireshark is running and capturing a packet


This is the Filter toolbar, used for filtering packets based on the applied filter


This is the Packet List pane, which displays all captured packets


This is the Packet Details pane, which shows the selected packet in a verbose form


This is the Packet Byte pane, which shows the selected packet in a hex dump format

First, just observe pane 2 in the screen; the displayed packets appear with different colors. This is one of Wireshark's best features; it colors packets according to the set filter and helps you visualize the packet you are looking for.

To manage (view, edit, or create) a coloring rule, go to View | Coloring Rules. Wireshark will display the Coloring Rules dialog box, as shown in the screenshot:

Wireshark user interface

Users can create a new rule by clicking on the New button, choosing the filter name and filter string, and then applying a foreground and background color to it, to customize the packet with a specific color.

The Filter toolbar

The Wireshark display filter displays packets with its available coloring options. Wireshark display filters are used to change the view of a capture file by providing the full dissection of all packets, which helps analyzing a network tracefile efficiently. For example, if a user is interested in only HTTP packets, the user can set the display filter to http, as shown in the next screenshot.

The steps to apply display filters are as follows:

  1. Open the http_01.pcap file.
  2. Type the http protocol in the filter area and click on Apply.

Once the filter is applied, the Packet List pane will display only HTTP protocol-related packets:

The Filter toolbar

Wireshark display filter can be applied or prepared from the column displayed in the Packet List pane by selecting the column, then right-clicking and going to Apply as Filter | Selected (as shown in the following screenshot) to create the filter from the source IP address

The Filter toolbar

Wireshark provides the flexibility to apply filters from the Details pane; the steps remain the same.

Wireshark also provides the option to clear the filter. To do this click on Clear (available in the Filter toolbar) to display the entire captured packet.

Filtering techniques

Capturing and displaying packets properly will help you with packet captures. For example, to track a packet exchanged between two hosts: HOSTA ( and HOSTB (, open the SampleCapture01.pcap file and apply the filter ip.src == as shown:

Filtering techniques

Let's see what the highlighted sections depict:




Apply filter ip.src ==


The Packet List pane displays the traffic from source to destination. The source shows the constant IP address There is no evidence as to which packet is sent from host to host

Now modify the filter (ip.src == && (ip.dst == to (ip.src == or (ip.dst == This will give the result shown in the following screenshot:

Filtering techniques

The highlighted sections in the preceding screenshot are explained as follows:




Applied filter (ip.src == && (ip.dst ==


The source IP address ( is not changed


The destination IP address ( is not changed

Again the Packet List pane is not displaying the conversation between the two hosts.

Now modify the filter ip.addr == The ip.addr field will match the IP header for both the source and destination address and display the conversation between the hosts. Remember to choose the destination IP address as shown:

Filtering techniques

Let's see what the highlighted sections depict:




Applied filter ip.addr ==


The source IP is not constant; it shows the conversation between the two hosts


The destination IP is not constant; it shows the conversation between the two hosts

The same conversation is captured by choosing the destination MAC address using the display filter eth.addr == 06:73:7a:4c:2f:85.

Filter examples

Some common filter examples are as follows:

Filter/capture name

Filter value

Packet on a given port

tcp.port == 443

Packet on the source port


SYN packet on port 443

(tcp.port == 443) && (tcp.flags == 0x0010)

The HTTP protocol


Based on the HTTP get method

http.request.method == "GET"

Using &&, tcp, and http

tcp && http

Checking the tcp window size

tcp.window_size <2000

No Arp used for normal traffic


The MAC address filter

eth.dst == 06:43:7b:4c:4f:85

Filter out TCP ACK


Check only RST and ACK packets

(tcp.flags.ack == 1) && (tcp.flags.reset == 1)

Filter all SNMP



http || dns | ssl

There is no need to memorize the filter; there is an easy way to apply it. The display filter Autocomplete feature lists all dissectors after the first period "." that have been added to the display filter, as shown in the following screenshot:

Filter examples


It's worth checking the following links for a complete display filter reference:

The Packet List pane

The Packet List pane displays packets from the .pcap (or accepted Wireshark extensions) file or from live capture, as shown:

The Packet List pane

Let's discuss the fields shown:


What is it?

The Packet List pane

Shows different packets; each row corresponds to a different packet called a frame

1. No.

Number of packets in the current live/offline capture

2. Time

Shows time-stamped information when the packet was captured

The Automatic setting for libpcap files is microseconds; all packets will be captured with the time in microseconds, as shown in the next screenshot

3. Source

The IP address of the source from where the packet originates

4. Destination

The IP address of the destination where the packet ends

5. Protocol

Wireshark will display information about the packet protocol based on the standard port

6. Length

The packet length in bytes

7. Info

Shows a high-level summary of the packet and the nature of the packet

To change the time-stamped information of the packet go to View | Time Display Format to view the available presentation formats, as shown:

The Packet List pane

The Wireshark Set Time Reference feature gives you the ability to view the time reference from the selected packet. Open the capture file http.pcap and set the time reference from packet 38. To do this, select packet 38, right-click, and select Set Time Reference (toggle), as shown in the following screenshot:

The Packet List pane

After *REF* is set, it becomes the starting point for all subsequent packet time calculations, as shown in the following screenshot:

The Packet List pane

The Packet Details pane

The Packet Details pane will show the currently selected packet in a more detailed form. In the following screenshot, an HTTP packet is selected and its details are shown in the information labeled with numbers 1 to 5. Let's see what these are:

The Packet Details pane

The frame protocol is only used by Wireshark. All the TCP/IP protocols sits on top of this. The frame shows at what time the packet was captured, as shown in the following screenshot:

The Packet Details pane

Ethernet is the link layer protocol in the TCP/IP stack. It sends network packets from the sending host to one (Unicast) or more (Multicast/Broadcast) receiving hosts, as shown:

The Packet Details pane

Useful filters in Ethernet are:

  • eth.dst == 06:3c:0f:39:2e:f7: This shows packets sent to this MAC address only
  • eth.dst==ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff: This shows broadcast traffic only

The packet structure of Ethernet frames is described in the following table:


Destination MAC address

Source MAC address



Frame check sequence (FCS)





0800 for IPv4

86DD for IPv6

0806 for ARP



The preamble (8 bytes) and FCS (4 bytes) are not part of the frame and Wireshark will not capture this field.

So the total Ethernet header is 14 bytes—6 bytes for the destination address, 6 bytes for the source address, and 2 bytes for the EtherType.

The Internet Protocol information relates to how the IP packet is delivered and whether it has used IPv4 or IPv6 to deliver the datagram packets.

The Packet Details pane

The preceding screenshots show that an IPv4 protocol is used to deliver the datagram packet. Useful display filters in the IP protocol are:

  • ip.src == shows traffic from the subnet
  • ip.addr== shows traffic to or from the given host
  • Host captures/filters traffic from the host

The TCP protocol packet contains all TCP-related protocol data. If the communication is over UDP, the TCP will be replaced by the UDP, as shown in the following screenshot. The SEQ/ACK analysis will be done by Wireshark based on the sequence number and expert info will be provided:

The Packet Details pane

The <<APPLICATION-LAYER>> protocol is shown if the packet contains any application protocols. As shown in the following screenshot, the selected packet 36 has HTTP protocol data. Wireshark has the ability to decode the protocol based on the standard port and present this information in the Packet Details pane in a readable (RFC-defined) format.

The Packet Details pane

In the coming chapters we will discuss the application-related protocol in greater detail.

The Packet Bytes pane

The Packet Bytes pane displays the bytes contained in the frame, with the highlighted area being set to the node selected in the Packet Details pane.

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