Events and methods

The Schedule component provides many event callbacks on click, mouse, resize, and drag and drop user actions as listed here:

Name Description
onDayClick Triggered when the user clicks on a day
onEventClick Triggered when the user clicks an event
onEventMouseover Triggered when the user mouses over an event
onEventMouseout Triggered when the user mouses out of an event
onEventDragStart Triggered when event dragging begins
onEventDragStop Triggered when event dragging stops
onEventDrop Triggered when dragging stops and the event has moved to a different day/time
onEventResizeStart Triggered when event resizing begins
onEventResizeStop Triggered when event resizing stops
onEventResize Triggered when resizing stops and the event has changed in duration
onViewRender Triggered when a new date-range is rendered, or when the view type switches
onViewDestroy Triggered when a rendered date-range needs to be torn down
onDrop Triggered when a draggable has been dropped onto the Schedule

Also, it provides many API methods to handle different use cases as shown here:

Name Parameters Description
prev() - Moves the Schedule one step back (either by a month, week, or day)
next() - Moves the Schedule one step forward (either by a month, week, or day)
prevYear() - Moves the Schedule back one year
nextYear() - Moves the Schedule forward one year
today() - Moves the Schedule to the current date
gotoDate(date) date: Date to navigate

Moves the Schedule to an arbitrary date

incrementDate(duration) duration: Duration to add to current date Moves the Schedule forward/backward an arbitrary amount of time
getDate() - Returns a moment for the current date of the calendar
changeView(viewName) viewName: A valid view string to change to Immediately switches to a different view


The preceding API methods will give full control on Schedule. There are many use cases, where these method calls are really helpful. For example, the Schedule's next view (month, week, or day) is accessed through the .next() method as shown here:

<p-schedule [events]="events" #schedule></p-schedule>
<button type="button" pButton (click)="next(schedule)"></p-button>

The component class defines the click event callback which will invoke next day, week, or month as shown here:

next(schedule) {;
The complete demo application with instructions is available on GitHub at
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