Enhanced Inputs and Selects

This chapter explains frequently used input and select components with enhanced features for any kind of application or website. Such components are the main parts of every web application. All the features of each component will cover many real-time use cases that you may encounter while developing the project. Input and select components are the first citizens while you're creating a login form or registration form or any kind of form-filling application. Due to the rapid revolution in web usage and technology improvements, there is a need for various enhanced inputs and select components that make the web more powerful. PrimeNG provides over 20 components for data input and select, which extend standard or native HTML components with skinning capabilities and useful features, such as user-friendly interface, validation, and so on.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Formatted input with InputMask
  • Autosuggestion with AutoComplete
  • Entering multiple values with Chips
  • Discovering checkbox - boolean, many, and TriState
  • Choosing items with Single and MultiSelect components
  • Basic and advanced Calendar scenarios
  • Spinner and Slider - different ways to provide input
  • Text editing with rich and powerful editors
  • Password and star-based rating inputs
  • Validation with input and select components
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