Advanced features - the customized content displays

In many cases, normal field population is just not enough; it would be more powerful to have customized content for a better experience. AutoComplete provides this feature using ng-template, which displays the custom content inside the suggestions panel. The local template variable passed to ng-template is an object from the suggestions array. The customized example of AutoComplete with the country's name and flag would be as follows:

<p-autoComplete [(ngModel)]="customCountry" name="template"
field="name" (completeMethod)="filterCustomCountries($event)"
[size]="30" [minLength]="1" placeholder="Start your search">
<ng-template let-country pTemplate="item">
<div class="ui-helper-clearfix" class="template-border">
<img src="/assets/data/images/country/
<div class="country-text">{{}}</div>

There is no restriction on what kind of data can be shown. The following screenshot shows a snapshot result of the customized country information:

The item template is used to customize the content inside the suggestions panel where selectedItem is used to customize a selected item in the multiple selection.

The AutoComplete component supports many events as mentioned here:

  • event.originalEvent: The browser event
  • event.query: Value to search with
Callback to invoke to search for suggestions.
onFocus event: Browser event Callback to invoke when AutoComplete gets focus.
onBlur event: Browser event Callback to invoke when AutoComplete loses focus.
onSelect value: The selected value Callback to invoke when a suggestion is selected.
onUnselect value: Unselected value in multiple mode Callback to invoke when a selected value is removed.
  • event.originalEvent: The browser event
  • event.query: The current value of the input field
Callback to invoke when the dropdown button is clicked.
onClear event: The browser event Callback to invoke when the input field is cleared.
The complete demo application with instructions is available on GitHub at
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