How to do it...

  1. Create a Rust project to work on during this chapter with cargo new chapter-nine
  2. Navigate into the newly created chapter-nine folder. For the rest of this chapter, we will assume that your command line is currently in this directory
  3. Open the Cargo.toml file that has been generated for you
  4. Under [dependencies], add the following lines:

futures = "0.1.18"
hyper = "0.11.21"
  1. If you want, you can go to futures' ( and hyper's ( pages to check for the newest version and use that one instead
  2. Inside the folder src, create a new folder called bin
  3. Delete the generated file, as we are not creating a library
  4. In the folder src/bin, create a file called
  5. Add the following code and run it with cargo run --bin hello_world_server:
1   extern crate futures;
2   extern crate hyper;
4   use futures::future::Future;
5   use hyper::header::{ContentLength, ContentType};
6   use hyper::server::{const_service, service_fn, Http, Request, Response, Service};
7   use std::net::SocketAddr;
9   const MESSAGE: &str = "Hello World!";
11  fn main() {
12    // [::1] is the loopback address for IPv6, 3000 is a port
13    let addr = "[::1]:3000".parse().expect("Failed to parse address");
14    run_with_service_function(&addr).expect("Failed to run web server");
15  }

Run a server by creating a service with service_fn:

17  fn run_with_service_function(addr: &SocketAddr) -> Result<(), 
hyper::Error> { 18 // Hyper is based on Services, which are construct that 19 // handle how to respond to requests. 20 // const_service and service_fn are convenience functions 21 // that build a service out of a closure 22 let hello_world = const_service(service_fn(|_| { 23 println!("Got a connection!"); 24 // Return a Response with a body of type hyper::Body 25 Ok(Response::::new() 26 // Add header specifying content type as plain text 27 .with_header(ContentType::plaintext()) 28 // Add header specifying the length of the message in
bytes 29 .with_header(ContentLength(MESSAGE.len() as u64)) 30 // Add body with our message 31 .with_body(MESSAGE)) 32 })); 33 34 let server = Http::new().bind(addr, hello_world)?; 35 36 }

Run a server by manually creating a struct that implements Service:

38  // The following function does the same, but uses an explicitely 
created 39 // struct HelloWorld that implements the Service trait 40 fn run_with_service_struct(addr: &SocketAddr) -> Result<(),
hyper::Error> { 41 let server = Http::new().bind(addr, || Ok(HelloWorld))?; 42 43 } 44 45 struct HelloWorld; 46 impl Service for HelloWorld { 47 // Implementing a server requires specifying all involved
types 48 type Request = Request; 49 type Response = Response; 50 type Error = hyper::Error; 51 // The future that wraps your eventual Response 52 type Future = Box<Future>; 53 54 fn call(&self, _: Request) -> Self::Future { 55 // In contrast to service_fn, we need to explicitely return
a future 56 Box::new(futures::future::ok( 57 Response::new() 58 .with_header(ContentType::plaintext()) 59 .with_header(ContentLength(MESSAGE.len() as u64)) 60 .with_body(MESSAGE), 61 )) 62 } 63 }
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