How to do it...

  1. Inside the bin folder, create a new file called
  2. Add the following code and run it with cargo run --bin oneshot:
1   extern crate futures;
3   use futures::prelude::*;
4   use futures::channel::oneshot::*;
5   use futures::executor::block_on;
6   use futures::future::poll_fn;
7   use futures::stream::futures_ordered;
9   const FINISHED: Result<Async<()>, Never> =
Ok(Async::Ready(())); 10 11 fn send_example() { 12 // First, we'll need to initiate some oneshot channels like
so: 13 let (tx_1, rx_1) = channel::(); 14 let (tx_2, rx_2) = channel::(); 15 let (tx_3, rx_3) = channel::(); 16 17 // We can decide if we want to sort our futures by FIFO
(futures_ordered) 18 // or if the order doesn't matter (futures_unordered) 19 // Note: All futured_ordered()'ed futures must be set as a
Box type 20 let mut ordered_stream = futures_ordered(vec![ 21 Box::new(rx_1) as Box<Future>, 22 Box::new(rx_2) as Box<Future>, 23 ]); 24 25 ordered_stream.push(Box::new(rx_3) as Box<Future>); 26 27 // unordered example: 28 // let unordered_stream = futures_unordered(vec![rx_1, rx_2,
rx_3]); 29 30 // Call an API, database, etc. and return the values (in our
case we're typecasting to u32) 31 tx_1.send(7).unwrap(); 32 tx_2.send(12).unwrap(); 33 tx_3.send(3).unwrap(); 34 35 let ordered_results: Vec<_> =
block_on(ordered_stream.collect()).unwrap(); 36 println!("Ordered stream results: {:?}", ordered_results); 37 } 38 39 fn check_if_closed() { 40 let (tx, rx) = channel::(); 41 42 println!("Is our channel canceled? {:?}", tx.is_canceled()); 43 drop(rx); 44 45 println!("Is our channel canceled now? {:?}",
tx.is_canceled()); 46 } 47 48 fn check_if_ready() { 49 let (mut tx, rx) = channel::(); 50 let mut rx = Some(rx); 51 52 block_on(poll_fn(|cx| { 53 println!("Is the transaction pending? {:?}", 54 tx.poll_cancel(cx).unwrap().is_pending()); 55 drop(rx.take()); 56 57 let is_ready = tx.poll_cancel(cx).unwrap().is_ready(); 58 let is_pending =
tx.poll_cancel(cx).unwrap().is_pending(); 59 60 println!("Are we ready? {:?} This means that the pending
should be false: {:?}", 61 is_ready, 62 is_pending); 63 FINISHED 64 })) 65 .unwrap(); 66 } 67 68 fn main() { 69 println!("send_example():"); 70 send_example(); 71 72 println!(" check_if_closed():"); 73 check_if_closed(); 74 75 println!(" check_if_ready():"); 76 check_if_ready(); 77 }
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