How to do it...

  1. Create a Rust project to work on during this chapter with cargo new chapter-ten.
  2. Navigate into the newly-created chapter-ten folder. For the rest of this chapter, we will assume that your command line is currently in this directory.
  3. Delete the generated file, as we are not creating a library.
  4. Inside the src folder, create a new folder called bin.
  5. In the src/bin folder, create a file called
  6. Add the following code, and run it with cargo run --bin inclusive_range:
1   #![feature(inclusive_range_syntax)]
3   fn main() {
4     // Retrieve the entire alphabet in lower and uppercase:
5     let alphabet: Vec<_> = (b'A' .. b'z' + 1) // Start as u8
6       .map(|c| c as char)      // Convert all to chars
7       .filter(|c| c.is_alphabetic()) // Filter only alphabetic     
chars 8 .collect(); // Collect as Vec 9 println!("alphabet: {:?}", alphabet); 10 11 // Do the same, but using the inclusive range syntax: 12 let alphabet: Vec<_> = (b'A' ..= b'z') // Start as u8 13 .map(|c| c as char) // Convert all to chars 14 .filter(|c| c.is_alphabetic()) // Filter only alphabetic
chars 15 .collect(); // Collect as Vec 16 println!("alphabet: {:?}", alphabet); 17 }
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