Basics of Akka Streams

In this chapter, we’ll take a closer look at Akka Streams. We will start with a basic description of streams in general, and Reactive Streams in particular. We'll touch on the concept of back pressure and provide some motivation for you to use Akka Streams as a concrete implementation of the Reactive Streams standard. We'll reimplement our bakery yet again, this time using streams as a design abstraction. This will allow us to examine in detail the basics of Akka Streams, such as flows and graphs, error handling, and testing.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Reactive Streams
  • Back pressure
  • Akka Streams philosophy
  • Akka Streams essential concepts
  • Sources and sinks
  • Flows
  • Graphs
  • Logging
  • Materialization
  • Failure handling
  • Testing
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