
Lagom framework is a Lightbend's solution aiming to streamline and simplify building microservices with Scala and Java. It is build on top of existing libraries and frameworks such as SBT, Akka, and Play and provides additional functionalities such as a rich development environment with hot code reload, a service registry and service locator, an embedded database, and a message broker.

Lagom has three useful APIs:

  • Service APIs, which allow you to represent remote service calls as local function calls
  • Persistence API, which provides additional structure and some useful defaults for Akka-Persistence
  • Message broker API, which makes public/subscribe communication and working with the read-side of the journal a breeze

Lagom comes with a test kit that helps to test services or persistent entities in isolation. Combining Lagom's test kit with the Akka-Streams test kit and AsyncWordSpec from ScalaTest makes it possible to write concise and expressive test expectations.

In this chapter, we just touched briefly upon possibilities provided by Lagom for development of microservice-based systems. This area of software engineering is still quite immature and Lagom is one of the first attempts to address the new challenges.

We hope with our example project we could spark your interest in Lagom and highly recommend you look at the official Lagom documentation at for further inspiration.

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