Project 1 - Building Microservices with Scala

During this book, we have gradually increased the scope of our interests. In the first part, we started with language constructs and small building blocks, such as types and functions. The second part was dedicated to the patterns of functional programming. In the third part, we looked at even bigger abstractions—the actor model and streaming.

In this section, we'll zoom out once again, this time moving from design aspects up to the architectural level. We will use what we've learned so far to build two fully-scoped projects.

Nowadays, it goes without saying that all server-side software should provide an API, specifically an HTTP RESTful API. Software providing an API is called a service and if it conforms to a set of principles, it is often called a microservice. We will follow the crowd and design our projects as microservices.

In this chapter, we'll cover two topics. First, we'll discuss the concept of microservices and describe their advantages and building principles. We'll also take a look at few technical and organizational challenges related to the microservice-based approach. 

Second, we'll use the knowledge gained from the rest of the book to build two real projects from scratch. Both represent simple microservices implementing stateful REST APIs, which represent the grocery shop you're familiar with from the third section of the book. This time, we'll provide not only an opportunity to place orders, but also to create and delete articles, and to replenish items in stock and get the current status of the stock.

The first project will be built on principles covered in the second section of this book. We will build it using open source functional programming libraries—http4s and circe for the client API, and doobie for database access. 

The second project will be built using reactive programming libraries and techniques covered in the third section of this book. We'll use Akka-HTTP to construct an API layer, and Akka Persistence to implement the stateful part of it.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • Essentials of microservices
  • Purely functional HTTP APIs with http4s
  • Purely functional database access with doobie
  • API integration testing with Http1Client
  • Reactive HTTP API with Akka-HTTP
  • Event-sourced persistent state with Akka Persistence
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