Installing Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

At the moment, as of writing this, the last available JDK version available at was 11. Scala 2.13 requires Java 1.8+.

It is possible to install Java on Linux or macOS X platforms by using one of the existing tools, such as apt or yum, using the package manager for Linux or brew for an OS X environment. Please use the help pages and guides available for the respective tools if you intend to install the JDK this way. 

The manual installation of Java consists of three steps:

  1. Downloading the package from the internet. The choice of distribution files for different platforms is offered at
  2. Extracting the installation file.
  3. Updating the environment.

With Linux or OS X, you can use the following sequence of shell commands to perform all these steps, as shown in the next two screenshots:

Installing JDK 11 in OS X

The installation flow in Linux is so similar that we have even refrained from putting arrows into the screenshot:

The same steps in Linux

On Windows, you'll need to use the web browser to download the installation package, the file navigator to unpack it, and system settings to update the path variable. Please be aware that Java 11 is only available as a 64-bit version, so if you have a 32-bit system you have to install one of the previous versions of the JVM.

Please follow the steps outlined in the following screenshots to perform the setup:

  1. First, download the installation file from the internet:
Step 1. Downloading the installation with the web browser
  1. Then, extract the Java runtime from the archive:
Step 2. Extracting binaries from the downloaded bundle
  1. Next, the system path needs to be extended by altering the corresponding property:
Step 3. Five actions to update the environment
  1. Finally, the version of Java can be checked:
Finishing the installation and checking the Java version

The next step after installing Java is the installation of SBT. You are not required to have Scala installed separately to be able to work with the sample code for this book.

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