Didn't we miss something?

Even though we haven't change any backend code, shouldn't we run a test on the backend to make sure everything works? As a matter of fact, it is always recommended to run all of the tests before committing the code, because it is the only way to make sure there are no breaks in the application, which is especially important before leaving the office late in the night after a long day of coding. People make mistakes, but automated tests won't.

There is one issue in our case. Right now, every time we need to run all of the tests, including those of the backend and those of the frontend, we have to do it separately, which is not ideal. A preferred way is to use a single command to run all of the tests of both the backend and the frontend.

And, as you might have noticed, our E2E test isn't really from the frontend to the backend. Currently, the frontend and the backend are isolated, even though they are under the same folder. Let's get them connected.

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